Whammer's Gift- Part 3

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Chuck woke up the next morning, expecting to wake up in his mom's house to the small window on his old, tattered bunk bed. Instead, however, he woke up on a softer bed, with his best friend and partner making breakfast. It wasn't a very familiar setting just yet, however he considered it a much more peaceful way to wake up. He was satisfied with the fact that he didn't have to wake up to his mom screaming his name at seven o' clock in the morning, that's when it was the loudest.

"Oh uh... good morning honey!" Chuck said with a grainy voice while sitting up on the bed, "What are you making?"

Whammer turned around to see a newly awakened Chuck, his hair was all messy and his eyebags were very heavy and dark. Chuck knew he didn't look his best, and he started to hide himself under the covers. Whammer noticed this, and walked a little closer.

"Why are you hiding under the covers, Chucky?"
"Sorry Whammer, I just don't think I look my best right now..."
"Whammer will always think Chucky is pretty no matter how he looks! Now stay there, Whammer is almost done with your breakfast in bed!"

Chuck felt a warm sensation in his chest. Was it heartburn? No, the complete opposite!

"Oh... okay Whammer... thank you..."

Chuck was thinking about something nice to do for Whammer as he once again laid flat. Whammer eventually approached Chuck with the plate of food, and he sat down on the bed with Chuck. Chuck admired the dish for a few seconds, and after taking the first bite it was like he flew to space and could never come back down.

"Wow Whammer... your cooking skills are amazing!"
"Thanks Chucky! Whammer was wondering if you'd like it or not!"
"Of course I like it dude, you made it!"

After getting himself ready for the day, Chuck finally formed an idea for Whammer's first of many appreciation gifts.

"Hey Whammer, I'm really surprised that I've never asked you this before, but do you have a favorite type of sandwich?"
"Whammer loves club sandwiches with extra bacon and pickles!"
"Me too! Maybe we could get some together later! Y'know, at the sandwich shop?"
"YEAH! That would be so whammin' awesome! Whammer loves going out with Chucky!"

Later on, when Chuck was about to get ready to make the sandwiches, he realized that he forgot all the ingredients to them. He knew that he had a recipe for them saved in his phone, but he was also afraid to pull it out since it was his mother's special recipe. He was afraid that he'd somehow mess it up, and then his mother would come in and scold him. He took the risk anyway, and he didn't mess up the sandwiches one bit. He even made some sandwiches for himself.

After getting back from work, Whammer was greeted by a very happy Chuck. Whammer also looked worn out from his day at work, dealing with unruly customers and annoying coworkers. He went into the bedroom to change out of his work clothes. After doing that, he immediately sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, which was playing his favorite show, Dollars for Dollars.

"Hey Whammer! How was your day at work?"
"It was pretty wham! Busy, but for the most part it was wham!"
"That's great! I have a surprise for you!"

Chuck revealed a platter of club sandwiches, all for Whammer. Whammer's face grew absolutely estatic, and he looked at the sandwiches, as if they were a lifetime miracle to withhold.

"Chuck made these... for Whammer?"
"Yes Whammer, just for you! It was..." Chuck tensed up a bit before saying what he was about to say, "...my mother's special recipe..."
"OHH! Thank you so much Chucky-head! This is exactly what Whammer needed after his long day of work, Whammer appreciates it a lot!"

Appreciate, a word Chuck's mom barely used for him. Every Mother's Day and birthday, Chuck would plan something phenomenal for his mom, or so he thought. No matter how much effort was put into his ideas, his mom would always think little of his experiments to try and make her happy.

"Thanks, Whammer! I really appreciate it, heh heh!"
"Yeah! Hey, does Chuck want to join Whammer on the couch and binge watch stuff, that's what we should do!"
"I'd love that! That sounds like such a relaxing activity!"

Chuck and Whammer watched some new shows together, and Chuck leaned closely onto Whammer's shoulder. Whammer wrapped his arm around Chuck and snuggled himself against his soft bread head.

Chuck was proud of himself, which was hard for him for feel because of his mentality living at his old house.

"Oh and, Chuck?"

Chuck looked up, and showed Whammer that whatever he had to say was important, as usual.

"Whammer will take care of the rent, it isn't that much anyway. Take your time finding the job, Whammer will take care of it."

"Thanks, Whammer!"

They both eventually fell asleep on the couch, and Chuck woke up in the middle of the night. After realizing how late it was, he woke up Whammer and they brought themselves to bed together. Chuck was happy that Whammer was here to take care of things for now, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Freedom: A PB&Wham FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora