please kill me please i dont want to live anymore

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realizing it's your personality not looks that make people hate you even when you're trying your best and you still don't know what you're doing wrong<<<

i have tried changing everything i could about my looks.
my hair was long then short then i dyed it red, purple, black, i went back my natural  brown color, bleached it, then cut it off again. then i dyed it pink, red and purple. i had different hairstyles, my hair was straight, curly, then i tried layers and curling them, i had pony tail, hair clips, whatever i could try i did.
i tried wearing eyeliner and did different styles of it. i tried doing my lips differently than i usually did. i changed shape of my eyebrows. i tried wearing full make up and different styles of it, then just concealer and powder.
i tried different types of clothes. i wore baggy jeans and shirts, crop tops, flannels, i tried more casual style then more formal one.
i got my nails done. they were short, long, with different designs, i had press on ones, i even tried doing them myself.
i pierced my ears, my nose and belly.

i really did everything i could to change the way i look but still nobody likes me.

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