"What's happening? What is it?"

"I don't see anything." Cheong-san muttered. "Wait. I hear a helicopter."

All of us got up and followed Cheong-san as he walked to the edge. I couldn't see anything since it was so dark. That was until I saw a tiny red light flashing. Oh my god...

"Wait. Fire!"

"Yeah, yeah. They see us!"

The boys started running to the fire, picking up wooden planks that were already lit and raised them for the helicopter to see it. Everyone started yelling as we tried to gain their attention. The helicopter started making its way over to us, hovering above the roof. We started to step back because of all the pressure from the wind. Then suddenly people started to drop down and pointed guns at us. Instinctively, we put our hands up. After that the helicopter took off and flew higher and a little away from us.

Cheong-san stepped over to the people but they yelled for him to get back which made him stop.

"Sir, can you please help us?" Dae-su asked politely.

"Face down on the ground! Get down!" One of the guys yelled.

We obeyed and laid down on the ground with our hands still up. The others soldiers started to walk over to us and check our pulses.

"Clear the area. Over High school roof. Nine survivors confirmed." One of the soldiers said to no one we could see. "Checking their temperatures now!"

"I think they're checking if we're zombies." Cheong-san turned and whispered to me since I was laid next to him. "Don't worry."

Everytime they checked someone's temperature and the device beeped, they kept saying "Clear". I turned to look at Nam-ra and she quickly covered her left eye. Oh God. They're gonna tell Nam-ra isn't fully human.

I watched as the guy finished Su-hyeok and walked over to Nam-ra, checking her temperature.

"Temperature is 34.5. Providing a warming blanket."

Oh thank god.

"One has hypothermia. The rest are normal."

"We'll rescue after mission's complete. Over."

Cheong-san turned back to me after the solider spoke. I was too busy buying my lip and worrying about Nam-ra to care about everything else.

"It's okay. They're gonna rescue us. It's over now."

I nodded while still bitting my lip. The main person I was worried about was Nam-ra. Everyone else is fine but once they realize she isn't normal, everything is gonna go South.

"You can get up now."

All of us slowly began to stand up. Su-hyeok was helping Nam-ra while making sure she was still wrapped in the warming blanket.

"Are you the only survivors?"

"We don't really know. There are probably others." Cheong-san answered for everyone.

"We're going down for a few minutes. Wait right here."

"Aren't you not gonna rescue us?" Ji-min pushed to the front.

Oh my god someone please shut this girl up.

"Yes, we will. So don't go anywhere. Don't do anything. Just wait here. Understand?"

"Mm-hm. Yes."

"Let's go."

The soldiers began to walked away from us, making their ways to the ledge, looking down at all the zombies. They then began to hook their zip lines to the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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