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I WAS WALKING OUTSIDE paying attention to me my phone. The school day is now over which means I can go over to Wu-jin's house today. Finally, the one thing I was looking forward to all day. I heard laughing and looking behind me to see Gyeong-su running to me all happy. He crashed into me, bringing me in a hug. I smiled at his silly behavior.

"Woah there Gyeong-su. What's got you all happy?"

"Is it true?? Am I actually your favorite??" He asked all excited. You could practically see the sparkles in his eyes.

"Yup. I mean look at you. How can you not when you look this cute." I spoke as I pinched his cheeks making him smile and laugh.

"Yes!! I'm Yang Su-jin's favorite! Take that Wu-jin!" He spoke and looked behind me as he said the last sentence.

I looked behind me to see Wu-jin, Dae-su Cheong-san walking up to us. Wu-jin playfully glaring at Gyeong-su, Dae-su fixing his bangs cause of the wind and Cheong-san with the straightest face I ever seen him have. He had his hands in his pockets too. I brushed it off thinking he was fine.

"Yah! She's my friend." Wu-jin declared.

"She can be mine too.." Gyeong-su said as his wrapped his arm with mine. This man is too cute.

I looked over to see On-jo and I-sak smiling and laughing with each other. I waved them over to which they joined quickly.

"Oh, Su-jin, want to go over and stay at On-jo's house today? We're having a sleepover!" I-sak asked.

"I would love too but I'm staying over at Wu-jin's house today. Mainly because of my brother and his stupid friends." Right at that moment a crushed soda can came flying and hit my head.

All of us looked at who threw it to see my brother smirking. I'm seriously going to kill him soon. I gave him that look before throwing it back at him, hitting him square in the face. I also have very good aim when I throw.

On-jo, I-sak and I all laughed while the boys tried not to. Well except for Dae-su. He laughed the same time we did. I looked at my watch and holy shit..

"Um, I'm sorry but I think it's time for Wu-jin and I to go on our way home." I spoke. Gyeong-su frowned, slowly pulling his arm away from mine.

I stared at him trying not to smile. And people really have the audacity to question why I like him more. I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. Him slightly blushing and On-jo and I-sak cheered for it. I smiled and turned to Cheong-san, doing the same thing. To which he finally smiled.

"Come on." Wu-jin said before grabbing my wrist and dragging me away, Dae-su trying to keep up.

I waved the others goodbye as we left. After he existed the gates to the school, we turned and made our way to Wu-jin's house. Wu-jin released his hold from my wrist and put his arm around my shoulder.

"You know, if people didn't know any better, they'll think y'all are dating." Dae-su spoke up shifting his eyes from me to Wu-jin repeatedly.

"Nonsense. But they can believe that if they want, no one's stopping them." I spoke, bringing my phone out as I felt it vibrate in my pocket.

"I'm surprised the whole school hasn't suspected that. Y'all are more together then On-jo and Cheong-san yet people are saying they're dating." He retorted.

"They're not dating. On-jo denies it every time. Cheong-san denies it too but no one believes them."

They both nodded and we soon arrived at our destination.

"Wait, Dae-su, you're coming with us?" I asked while we wait for Wu-jin to open the door.

"Yeah. I don't feel like going home. I'll just have to clean my room the minute I step foot in that house." He spoke as we all walked into Wu-jin's house.

We took our shoes off and replaced them with slippers as we walked further into the house. I walked into the living room. Placing my back down on the floor while Dae-su threw his on the couch. I sighed and we followed Wu-jin up into his room. I stopped by Ha-ri's door greeting her to which he greeted by politely without hesitation. I smiled and ran into Wu-jin's room to see them both already sitting on the floor. I walked in and closed the door, joining them on the floor.

Wu-jin reached under his bed and grabbed something, pulling it out and placing it infront of us. It was a box all decorated and a line of colored tape on it that read "Do Not Touch." on it.

"You decorated it like this?" Dae-su started laughing at how cute it looked.

"No." Wu-jin said watching him before scoffing.

"I did." I spoked up, reaching for the box and pulling it toward me, opening it.

Wu-jin took the lid to the box and turned it over, looking on the inside. He smiled and showed it to us.

"It's still there." He spoke seeing the heart I drew with our initials inside of it.

We made this box when we were 10 and Wu-jin made sure it was hidden from his family so they wouldn't touch it or suspect anything.

"Oh how cute." Dae-su teased.

I continued to look through the box. I honestly forgot most of the stuff we put in here. As I reached the bottom I noticed a photo book. Confused since I've never seen this before I picked it up and brought it out the box.

"What's this?" Dae-su asked.

"I don't know. I've never seen it before." I responded confused.

Wu-jin looked at us and quickly snatched the book away from us, hiding it behind him.

"What the- Wu-jin, why can't we see?"

"Because it's private. I forgot I even put that in there." He said putting it back in the box and putting everything else on top of it. Closing the box after and putting it away.

The rest of the night we just stayed up until 12am and eventually went to bed as we can't be staying up any later since Ha-ri has a competition the day after tomorrow with my brother.

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