Rowaelin #1 (Awakening)

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Being bored is never fun, especially for a queen, and Aelin, being bored, is one of the worst things that could happen, the reckless queen sure did know what to do when it came to board meetings, or assigning jobs, or even commanding armies, but when she was bored, Aelin could become a real tyrant. Aelin had done so much but was still bored out of her mind, Rowan was out attending to his kingly duties, whereas Aelin, had wandered the halls, ate, read, and wandered some more, and it was now time for her to take a nice, long needed nap.

Aelin finally reached her room with lukewarm tea in one hand and a book in the other, she placed them down on the dresser and slipped from a tight floor-length blue dress, into her prefered short black nightgown with a pink strip along the bottom and her bust, she nestled comfortably under the soft duvet, and fell into a soft sleep.

She was dreaming of Rowan, he had his hands on her sides, his head nestled in between her thighs, his silver hair shining in the light as it was splayed out on her stomach, he whispered such filthy things onto her skin, he raised his mouth to her breasts and gently sucked on the skin, leaving a dark purple mark on the side of her breast, Aelin's hands slid into those silver tresses and she pulled lightly causing a low groan to escape her mates throat. 

Rowan finished with the meeting he was in and strolled hand in pocket, to his bedroom, the neighbouring countries had thoughts of another war in mind so they could gain a slice of Terrasen's lands, Rowans mind being filled with those thoughts had him very distracted as he continued his wander down the hallway, but just as he reached the doorway of the kings and queens room the scent of Aelin's arousal hit him like a stone to the head, any thoughts of war immediately vanished from his mind as he shoved the door open, the sight could have burned him alive, Aelin lay in their bed, the sheets a tangled mess around her, he could see her eyes were closed but her eyebrows scrunched together, she was tossing and turned, her long blonde hair lay strewn out around her head, the little hair plastered to her forehead, her legs were tightly kept together and she whimpered quietly. Rowan was just about to combust, but he made himself walk over to the dresser and grab his undershorts, but before he could grab his clothes, he found the book Aelin had been reading was laid spine down on the surface, he picked up the book to her page and read the first sentence he saw "he ran his hands up her sides, kissing her breasts passionately as she let out a quiet pleasure-filled moan" he read it quietly, and then shut the book when the scene got a little too, steamy, he placed it back down on the dresser and took a second to think about what he had just read, he never actually figured out what, his mate read, and he guessed it now made sense why Aelin always had creative ideas for bed. 

The dream was getting better and better, soon enough Rowan had her bent over the desk in her room, her breasts grinding into the wood as he thrust into her from behind, but Aelin felt the dream was getting a little too real. 

Rowan slipped his undershorts on and then decided to take them off as what he had planned for Aelin, he wouldn't need them, he leaned over her on the bed and ran  his hands through her golden hair, then down to grip the sides of her face, his hands travelled a little further down and slid her nightgown down until he had her breasts in his hands, he leaned his head down and took one of her peaked nipples into his mouth, Aelin let out a breathy gasp above him, and it caused his body to react, he gazed up at her, her breast still in his mouth, to see if she had awoken, but she was still passed out, he took it upon himself to strip her of the sexy nightgown she was wearing, and when all of her was bare, he leaned down further and spread her thighs open, and when she was bared for him, he leaned down and took one long savoring lick from her base to the little nub at the apex of her thighs he sucked the little nub into his mouth and Aelin jerked above him, she was going to wake up soon enough, so Rowan decided to push her into a more, exciting awakening, he brought his fingers up to her entrance and slowly entered two, he started a slow pump of his fingers and sucked on the little nub into his mouth.

Aelin woke with a gasp, her core clenching with pleasure, a broken moan escaped her mouth ash Rowan curled his fingers right into the spot that made her spiral into another climax before the first one even ended, "R-Rowan!?" she screeched as he leaned above her, her juices covering his chin, "have a good nap fireheart?" he said smugly as he wiped his chin, her breathing was still  a slow pant, "I came in and you were having yourself a pleasant dream that I wanted to be a part of" he smirked his canines gleaming, but even half asleep, Aelin was a tyrant to deal with, because she pounced up and shoved Rowan down to the bed, "well, you wanting to be a part of my pleasant dream caused me to wake up, and the dream is now ruined, so, I'll finish it here," she grabbed Rowan and guided him to enter her, her bit down on her lip to suppress her moan, she slowly sunk down further on his member and when he was seated all the way she gave a feral smirk before slowly moving her hips in slow, agonizing circles, Rowan groaned and placed his hands on her hips, attempting to pull her hips up so he could plunge her right back down but she held firm, she slowly slid her hips forward and back, until finally she lifted her hips and plunged back down, both of them moaning in unison.

After Aelin did a good 10 minutes of teasing Rowan, he finally got fed up, he grabbed her hips and flipped her roughly onto her stomach he grabbed her hips and sheathed himself deep inside her again, Aelin threw her head back in pleasure a loud moan broke through as Rowan started a relentless pounding he brought his other hand down to the apex of her thighs and started gently rubbing her clit, "gods Rowan" Aelin moaned loudly as thrust into her, "G-Gods Rowan Please" she groaned and he just barely gave her the pleasure she so desperately needed, "please what - Fireheart?" he asked tauntingly as he grazed her clit again, "please Rowan, just please let me-" her sentence got cut off by Rowan pushing down on her clit and kissing her neck right as he thrust into her so hard if he hadn't been holding onto her hips she would have been pushed forward, but Rowan let go of her front, and let her drop, he grabbed her hips with bruising force, "go with me Fireheart" he groaned, his thrust were getting lazy and hurried, Aelin's panting and moans were becoming relentless and fast she pushed her hips backwards every time to meet his thrusts until finally, Rowan groaned and said "now" he thrust into her curing loudly, as Aelin's own climax had her inner muscles clenching around him.

When they both came down from their pleasure highs, Rowan nearly collapsed on top of Aelin, he rolled to the side and pulled him out of her before pulling her body towards him, her cheeks were bright pink from the aftermath of what they'd done "if this is what's going to happen when you read eroticas before bed, please, do it more often" she huffed a breathless laugh and snuggled into his chest, but shot up an angry scowl on her face "don't interrupt my naps ever again, especially if it sounds like I'm having a good dream" the blush on her face darkened before she leaned down and kissed him lightly "but I guess the real things better" she laid back down with a mumbled "I love you" before falling back asleep.

Aedion had grown accustomed to seeing and hearing people have sex, but walking by Aelin's room while Rowan was pounding away from the back, was certainly not, on the list of pleasant things he's seen, the image had burned itself into his mind, even as he slid into bed, Lysandra sleeping peacefully beside him, closed his eyes and attempted to sleep, the image haunted him, it seemed he was going to need to have a conversation with his cousin about closing the door in the morning.

~1516 Words     

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