The Party that Revealed It All!

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Khumo, the beauty without brains, starts a conversation about the difference between child producing sexual encounters versus a 'just for pleasure' coital experience.

Somebody please donate one percent of their brain to this bimbo. I beg.

For reasons I'll never get, Gugu's girlfriend, Cheryl, who is a qualified chartered accountant, is the first to share her knowledge and experience stating how she intrinsically knew after an intimate encounter that it was going to produce a child. "Happened on both pregnancies" she shamelessly confessed.

"How, though?" Tandai asked starting to warm up to the odd conversation.

"I think it's the level in which you and your partner are connecting on" Kelly takes over and Cheryl adds "it's almost spiritual too".

"I don't get it" Mmusi admits to which I concur"

"Makes sense why you wouldn't get it, Mmusi. You've never been pregnant or gotten anyone knocked up" Ella comes in.

After a brief laugh from a few, Tandai asks "did you know with Asanda?" to which Ella explains she didn't know immediately but was not surprised when she discovered seeing as the experience that created Asa was so different from the others.

"O-M-G! Was Tandai on his A game?" Khumo exclaims in the most 'blond' manner prompting her sister to roll her eyes and cause Ella to release a sound of laughter she was clearly trying to stifle.

"I'm always on my A crazy active game" Tandai declares confidently but Ella elaborates.

"Not on the day you knocked me up"

"Say what?!" Tandai blurts out, sitting up and leaning towards his baby mama.

"No one's always on their A game, Tandai" Andrew interjects to which my twin disputes stating he doesn't ever get into it unless he's truly in the mood.

"Tandai, you were not bad; you're never bad. It's just that you were a little shy and reserved that day"

"Say what?" Tendai says with a frown.

"And very, very sweet and gently like you were afraid I'll break"

The guys laugh except me of course and the ladies go marshmallow on my brother giving Ooow sounds. Tandai on the other hand, had a 'what the hell are you talking about' facial expression.

"You were so sweet, you even let me put on your Fubu t-shirt afterwards. Something you had never done before" Ella finished now sweetly gazing at her man.

"I'm not a shy sweet love maker" Tandai insists and lets out a little chuckle that doesn't reach his eyes.

And at this stage, I've completely mentally travelled back nine years before and clearly recall being awkward more than shy. And being the twin that loved Fubu brands.

"That's how I recall it" I hear Ella continue and as I steal a look at my brother, I find him looking back at me with an unreadable expression. Unreadable to me because I don't understand any form of non-verbal communication.

Mmusi saves me from the heat by back slapping Tandai's shoulder in a friendly bantering manner while complimenting him on being a sweet love making gentleman.

His television ad idea also blasts through from his huge flat screen and everybody pays attention to that, congratulating him all over again. He even gets a chaste kiss from his baby mama and a ooow sound from the ladies follows again.

The meat gets ready and we all indulge while drinking beer and watching international football. Even Kelly who isn't fond of the sport keeps up and enjoys it. My eyes keep catching Mmusi brushing Khumo's back and I can't help but wonder how and when this happened because I clearly recall them being introduced for the first time at Asa's party.

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