Oh, Catherine....

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My daughter's God father and longtime friend, Zipho called to ask about Asa's wellbeing soon after Khomo left on Wednesday. She too had come to find out how the boy was coping after Sunday, and that greatly warmed my heart. It's truly pleasing to know that Asa's support system stretches outside immediate family. Zipho is like a brother and I too love his son like he's my own. It's truly wonderful to know our child is cared for by so many.

I carried this feeling of deep appreciation for all who love Asa all week up until I arrived home on Saturday afternoon. Asa was in the dining room, silently working on his overwhelming puzzle with 'father'. I had especially made time to come assist him quicken the process of putting the thing together and more importantly; get where he is mentally and emotionally.

"Good afternoon, Zanda" 'Father' greets in his ever so passive, almost holy voice. "Hi" I say obligatory then briskly hug Asa who's engrossed in the assembling of the puzzle. "All good?" 'Father' continues much to my boredom. "Yup" I say walking away to find mom - I don't know why because she's the reason we constantly have to deal with 'father'.

And what do you know, Catherine is primping herself inside her bedroom and I can't help but feel a little revulsion. Deep down I know there are those kinds of feelings between these two, I mean, Zanda and I were born from this situation - but still. I would rather not have to witness their fondness of each other particularly in my own home.

"You've come at the perfect time, honey. I ordered in for us and Archie is staying for supper"

And the fact that she addresses him by his first name in private adds to the discomfort. By the way, 'in private' includes times when Tendai and I are around. Cookie too.

"I'm not staying mom. I only wanted to check in on Asa and the school situati.."

"Stop it" she shuts me up. "This child is unbothered by children's opinions on anything. A true Thango, I tell you.

Thango. The last name Tendai and I refuse to acknowledge as ours and it's bothersome hearing mom refer to my child by it. Same way she's let it slip when talking about my brother and I. We've been using her last name, Kente, since birth and nothing's changing that for me.

"Kelly and I have plans so I need to leave soon" I lie, following her out of her room and into the kitchen.
She's made fruit snacks on what looks like brand new plates for 'Archie'. Internally rolling my eyes. I can't be here for long so I push mom to tell me about Asa's week without putting herself in the situation and she rolls her eyes at me then calls for Asa to come to the kitchen. She picks up the mouth watering snacks and makes her way to 'father' while telling Asa to walk me to my car so we can talk.

She's clearly done with me and wants me and my dull spirit out of her house. I put my arm around Asa's shoulder and lead him out then ask if he wants to talk. "About what?" he asks nonchalantly. As soon as we're outside I sit on one of the stairs leading up to the house and gently tug him to join me.

"I was worried about how you reacted to seeing your puzzle gone last week"

"Yeah, me too" he responds looking at me with the sweetest gaze ever. Almost puppy like but not because he's human.

"Notho wanted to ice skate yesterday but we postponed for when you can join us again"

"I want to go today"

"Your puzzle?"

"I need to shift my mind off it a bit. I've been at it with Khulu for days now"

Wonderful. He's been spending more time than I assumed in this house - with my child. I'm gonna let crazy Tendai in on this then watch him do what he does best. Lose his mind and overreact.

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