Part 32

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She silently watched him, she watched as his hands manoeuvred around the cure, watched as this was a natural instinct for him- saving people. In many ways, Nadia and Peter were polar opposites. It started with their upbringing, moving to the fact they came from different lands. But they were similar in the fact that they both needed that emotion stability in their lives. They needed each other and maybe that's why they clung to one another so quickly in the short time of knowing the other.

Though, without a doubt, she loved him. Nadia had loved him from the moment she had him tied to a chair- from the moment he hadn't feared her. She had loved him from the moment he fought back and for the fact that he never stopped fighting. Her entire heart, her whole being, belonged and longed for him.

But was scary. Love was not safe, and love had only ever hurt her before. Because the people she cared about had a tendency to die on her. She'd be damned if she let Peter fall into that category. So she wouldn't tell him. Not yet. Because realising it for herself was the easy part. But telling him? That was new territory she wasn't yet ready to walk in to.

So instead, she asked softly "who was Gwen Stacy?"

Peter's hands froze over the cure, he took and deep breathe in and swallowed before continuing. But he acknowledged the question and cleared his throat.

"She was- she was my first girlfriend" he answered, a sad smile playing on his lips. "She was a scientist, the daughter of a chief police and my best friend"

Nadia squeezed his hand in encouragement "you don't have to-"

He shook his head "no, it's okay. She would've liked you, I think. You're both strong willed, beautiful, independent women. And I think you would've loved her, also"

"So, what you're saying is, you have a type?" Nadia questioned, softly but sarcastically- in hope to lighten the mood. It worked, as Peter's lips turned upwards and he laughed. He had never been so happy to have known Nadia.

"You're both blonde too, so I suppose I do have a type" he replied.

Nadia laughed with him, her eyes creasing slightly as she watched his face "she sounds lovely"

"Yeah...yeah she was"

He was content. It had been a long time since Gwen- and although it didn't hurt any less, the pain was easier to bare. He was spending the rest of his days in honour of her, in a way he thinks she would've liked. And although no one could ever replace her, Nadia was slowly but surely stitching the cracks of his heart back together. She was healing him- claiming part of his heart as hers and keeping it safe in her grasp. Gwen Stacy would be proud of him, without a doubt in the world- she was all the stars that shon and all the songs that sung and she was there, watching and protecting him- approving of Nadia with a wide smile. Gwen Stacy knew that Nadia Romanova would be the one to keep him safe. She would be his saving grace.

"Peter?" Ned questioned, all three spider-men on alert and staring at him.

"Yeah?" They all questioned Simultaneously, heads whipping to stare at their variant before apologising.

Ned, realising his mistake, shook his head and just said "Peter-Peter?"

"We're all called Peter, Ned" her old friend said, raising his eyebrows at his best friend.

"Peter Parker?" He stammered, confusing himself and shaking his head.

"We're all Peter Parker"

Ned simply sighs, throwing his arms up as he stammered out "the computer!"

Peter gets up from beside MJ and walks over to the computer, standing next to Ned. After looking at the screen, his says "oh, I'm ready"

Her Peter snaps his head up "yeah, me too"

The three spider men variants regroup around the laptop, Nadia lingering slightly behind next to Ned and MJ.

"I really missed you, by the way" Nadia whispers to MJ, not knowing when the next chance to talk in peace will be.

Mj snaps her head towards her, doe eyes wide as she bites her lower lip, nodding her head "yeah...I missed you a lot too"

Nadia chokes on a laugh, swatting MJ's side "you made me go soft, Watson"

MJ laughs "nah, you were always soft."


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