Part 14

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It had been two days since the encounter with whatever the hell was attacking the two vigilantes, and yet they were no closer to locating the thing or even figuring out what it was. It was frustrating, going from basically knowing everything- your enemy, who they are and what they want- to knowing absolutely nothing.

They were in the dark in this situation and it was starting to scare them. Every 'villain' of Nadia's, she had information about.

For example, Dreykov : the owner/CEO/boss of the red room. He was the man that ripped her life to shreds. She knew his weaknesses, his operations and his base and she could work her way around that.

Thanos : he wanted the infinity stones, right? Well, she had the guardians telling her what they were, Thor and Bruce seeing the guy personally, Vision with one of the stones in his head. She knew what he wanted and how he would try to obscure his wants. They might've failed the first time around, but they had a plan.

Nadia just didn't know if that plan had worked... but she was trying not to think of that right now. Her issue at hand was some smoke, demon, cloud monster? She didn't exactly know what to call 'it'.

This time around, she didn't have some God from outer space and the guardians of the galaxy and some next high Stark technology to help her. She was spiralling back into her old ways where she would go into a mission blinded and attack full frontal, learning the information as she went.

As crazy at it sounds, at this very moment Nadia was great full for the red rooms training. For every shitty thing she endured, she was at least getting something out of it.

"So, you have no idea who this... thing was? Who it could be and why they're after you?" She had asked Peter when they returned home.

"No. But there has to be some kind of motive, right? We just have to figure out what" he replied, sipping his water, eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he tried to search his mind, unlocking any distant memories or anything important.

"How are we supposed to understand a motive if we don't know who-or what- it is?" She questioned, pushing herself up to sit on the dining room table, lightly swinging her feet.

"I don't know" he whispered, but Nadia could still hear the shake in his voice. She could tell he was scared, walking into danger ignorant was a dangerous thing.

"Hey, we're gonna be okay" she tried to reassure him.

"It's not me who I'm worried about, Nadia" he told her, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"Then...who?" She whispered. Peter turned his head to look at her, before softly shaking his head and putting his glass in the sink.

"It doesn't matter. We've just got to find this thing, okay? And protect the city. That's our main priority." He said.

"The city" she nodded in agreement.

The two had been mostly silent since then. Walking around the house in total concentration, constant research and most importantly,constant stress.

For the past two nights too, and even in the day, they were scouting the city on high alert but it never popped up again. All over the New York News, and even in some closer neighbouring states, the head lines read :

'Nox Vermis roaming the streets of New York!?"

The public had gone to calling the thing 'Nox Vermis', which in Latin translated to 'Night Worm'. This didn't make too much sense, seeing as the thing didn't look much like a worm but rather a worm hole.

Either way, Peter and Nadia now had a name for it. And hopefully, as Nadia suggested to Peter, it will come out of hiding now that it has the public and press' attention. 

They just had to wait and see when.

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