part 10

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An hour later and Nadia was still stuck to the wall. She knew, if she waited, the webs would dissolve in another hour. She just wished to move, she felt too claustrophobic and was being reminded of her time in the red room. Where everything felt so big but so small from every perspective.

Her arms were starting to itch and she felt too inclosed in herself, like her skin was fire and she wished to part from it.

Her head throbbed with a dull ache and she wished to kill Peter Parker the next she saw him.

She was going to skin him alive and hang him where she was stuck, poetic really. Never the less, she groaned and tried once again to reach for her dagger that was stored in her boot. She still could not reach.

"If you don't get me down from this fucking wall Parker, I'll cut you nice and easy!" She threatened, shouting through the room so hopefully he would hear.

Perhaps he did but he did not show it, for he was sat upstairs, quietly giggling to himself as if he was the funniest man on earth.

In his hand laid a coin. He past it through his fingers, flipping it and rubbing it softly. He grinned, looking down at it, and kissed it quickly before standing up and walking to Nadia.

"Parker you fuck-"

"Now now Nadia, I have a proposition for you" he cut her of, standing casually with his hands in his pockets.

"Which is?" She spat out, her jaw clenching as she looked at the smugness written on his face.

"Heads I cut you down right now, tails and I take you out"

Her mouth shut quickly, eyes widening as she stared at him. The cocky fuck. He was stood with a boyish grin plastered on his face and his eyes twinkled with adventure. She couldn't help but think how beautiful he was, perhaps she would've told him if he wasn't stood with a proposition in his hands.

"Or I could, you know, wait here for another hour" she suggested, trying hard not to squirm under his eye.

He laughed, shaking his head and looking down before his eyes darted up to her.

"I can hear your heart beat right now Nadia, you wanna get down and I've just given you a choice-"

"A proposition"

"-I like to call them an opportunity" he shrugged.

Of course he fucking does. Carefully, she weighed out the options. They had only met a few days ago and he was already asking her out? He gets brownie points for the confidence and perhaps this could push them closer together. But did she really want to go out with someone when she was supposed to be returning to her original reality?

She wasn't sure.

She wasn't sure of anything anymore.

Her brain was compiled of small fragments, broken glass that can't be jigsawed back together. She was still healing from everything that had happened to her. But could Peter Parker, this proud, egotistical man that stands before her, be her glue?

There was only one way to find out.

"Fine. Flip the coin"

His smirk widened if it was even possible. He laid it between his thumb and forefinger. She was sure she could hear him breathing. Blood pumping quicker through his veins as he sucked a breathe of oxygen. And before she knew it, the copper coin had flipped in the air, spiralling through particles and landing in his palm before he flipped it over into the back of his hand.

There was a pause. Maybe she wasn't the only scared one. For they were like two sides of the same coin, forged together but never facing the same direction, never stepping foot in the same reality.

Until now.

"...ready?" He asked, looking at her.

"Ready" she breathed.

Lol I know it's a short chapter. Soz about that ;)

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