part 2

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Nadia sat up with a gasp, hand immediately shooting up to her forehead to try and relive some of the pressure that amounted on her head. She cracked her neck to the side and let out a sigh of relief before taking a look at her surroundings.

She was in a bedroom, a poorly decorated one at that. It was messy, with clothes flung around the place, and an unkept bed that she was sat on with a wall that looked straight out of a shield office.

She glanced to her right and saw... Spider-Man? Wait... that meant that everyone had come back. Peter Parker had been her best friend for 2 years before the boy had blipped and left her alone, and now he was back? It didn't make sense, he was asleep and still had his mask on.

"Pete?" She whispered lightly, though the boy didn't move. Her eyebrows furrowed so the girl started to lift his mask. She was revealed with a face, a face that wasn't her Peters. Her eyes widened in shock and at the same time, his snapped open.

As if it was a reflex, the girl elbowed him in the face and he fell unconscious, not expecting the attack, and fell onto the floor.

Her chest heaved up and down as she stared at his unconscious body. Who the fuck was under the mask and where was Peter?

Moving quickly, Nadia picked up the boys arms and dragged him to the desk chair which was situated against a table in the middle of the room. It took a while since the boy was quite heavy, but Nadia managed to heave him into the chair and tie his hands behind his back.

She removed 'his' mask and kept it held tightly in her left hand whilst her right hand held her dagger which she got from the side pocket of her thighs suit.

Mentally preparing herself, the girl raised her hand and smacked him in the face, jolting him awake.

"Ow-what?" The boy questioned, squinting eyes face from the pain.

"Who are you?" Nadia asked, her Russian accent slipping through her tone.

The boys eyes widened at the predicament he was in. He had rescued this girl and now he was tied up... in his own home?

"You- you took of my mask?" He questioned, gulping and staring at her in shock.

"Who. Are. You?" She questioned, lifting the dagger to his neck.

"Wha- okay okay, calm down-small knives, they're erm, my weakness" he stuttered, stammering over his words and genuine fear climbing up his throat.

"I will not ask again" she warned.

"Peter-I'm Peter, Parker" he answered quickly, eyeing the dagger in her hand.

Nadia froze and stared at him blankly before shaking her head. "No, you are not" she said.

His eyes snapped from the dagger and up to her before he said "what? Yes I am"

She chuckled darkly "no you are not. I know Peter Parker, and you are not him"

The boy was becoming more and more confused. He was definitely Peter Parker, he had no clue what the girl was on about.

"I'm being serious, my name is Peter Parker. You don't believe me? Then check my passport, it's in my top draw." He said quickly, not wanting to anger this girl.

She stared at him for a few more seconds before reaching into the top draw of his desk. Low and behold, a passport was sat in the middle of the draw. She reached in and took it, opening towards his details.

Reading it over her mouth fell open "невозможно (impossible)" she whispered, shaking her head.

"What's- what does that mean might I ask" questioned a wiggling Peter.

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