Initial Hindmost Convene

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They say Love has no measure. Risky, but worth it. What if the a huge tragedy happened between you and your loved one? Would you still choose to love that person or move on? Is your loves strong enough to still fulfill the dreams you imagined together even if you're apart, or close the book of your story and make new ones?

Now what if you've fallen inlove with a person that you only met in the Role Play World? The world that's know for it's fake existence. A world where people are forbidden to expose their real identity and so as well to fall in love. But there are just people that are willing to break the rules just like Liam and Kia. Their love was strong enough to break the rules. They've known each other for quite a long time. When time passed by, they decided to meet up but a twist happened after that.

Who knew what circumstance they went through?
What could have possibly happen after their meet up?

Initial Hindmost Convene  (JWW)Where stories live. Discover now