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"Nene! You set everything up already?" Tsukasa says with relief.

"Yep, I also saw the picture of you guys kissing! Super cute!" Nene says.

"Also, we had Mizuki choose the outfits since they have a very cute style." Nene tells them. "Oh and also, the theme is very fitting, yet at the same time romantic. I hope you enjoy it," she added.

"I'M HERE, I'M HERE, I'M HERE!!!! WONDERHOY!!!" a voice jump scares them out of nowhere, interrupting Nene. "I LEFT MY JOB OUT OF NOWHERE FOR THIS!!!"

"EMU! YOU SCARED US!" Tsukasa shouts, somewhat in shock.

"Haha... oops..." Emu says nervously.

"Guys, you have 30 minutes left. You might want to change quickly." Nene states, before the conversation gets carried away.

Both of them change into their red outfits quickly, and get their hair done by professionals before the show starts.

"Tsukasa! That outfit suits you very well. You look great!" Rui says as he looks at Tsukasa, unable to take his eyes off of him.

"5 minutes left... I suppose it's time you get on stage..." Nene says, while hoping they know what they're doing. "Good luck!"

"You can do this! Wonderhoy!" Emu encourages them, being enthusiastic as always.

Both Rui and Tsukasa go on stage, looking ready to perform.

"Alright, it's time to perform darling. We can do it!" Rui exclaims

The curtains open up, revealing Rui and Tsukasa. The background music starts, and they start performing.





The entire audience is silent once the show is over. All of a sudden, a huge cheer comes and everyone starts clapping. The curtains close, but the audience can still be heard clapping in the background.

"WONDERHOYYYY!! THAT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE HEARD!!!!" Emu exclaims, literally squealing.

"How wonderful! Well done, you two!" Nene says happily

"Not only are you a good couple, you also make good songs together." Mizuki says, coming out of nowhere. "I couldn't miss this concert, so I ran out of my job on the spot and told my manager that something urgent came up."

The barista, being in the audience, is cheering.

"I knew they'd be a great couple," she thinks. "They performed that song wonderfully. If they aren't dating by now, then I don't know what to say," she adds.

"Thank you so much guys! And Nene, thank you so much for planning this! I was so stressed out!" Tsukasa says, sounding grateful.

"Hey Tsukasa, come outside." Rui says as he grabs Tsukasa's hand. "I have the perfect spot for us to talk! Follow me, it shouldn't be too long of a walk from here."

Tsukasa goes with Rui, and Rui finds the perfect area to tell Tsukasa what's on his mind.

The clock struck midnight, with the loud ticking sound echoing throughout the entire town. The raindrops can be heard in the background, messing both Tsukasa's and Rui's hair up. The soft breeze can be heard mumbling in the distance, letting out a unique feeling of calmness. The glow from the street lights in the back let out a comforting aura to both of them. Above them lies a cherry blossom tree, unharmed. The vibe of this place was perfect.

"Tsukasa, or should I say the greatest star, I've been meaning to ask this, but... will you be my official boyfriend?" Rui asks while blushing very hard.

"Rui... I-I would love to!" Tsukasa replies while also blushing.

Rui pulls him in close and kisses him passionately, while Tsukasa hugs him.

"Lovebirds. Boyfriends. Anyways, we may or may not have been following you." Nene says, revealing herself.

"Hehe, we couldn't help it." Mizuki adds on, supporting Nene's statement.

"THAT WAS SO WONDERHOY I'M CRYING OUT OF JOY AND HAPPINESSSSSS EEEEEE!!!!" Emu excitedly exclaims, having the biggest smile on her face.

"Well, at least you told us after we kissed and not before, ahaha." Rui chuckled, along with Tsukasa.

The End!

Written by: @somethinggidk and notttmewww

Thank you for reading!

rui x tsukasa: unexpected awkardnessWhere stories live. Discover now