"That was her favorite holiday growing up. And she's already stopped acknowledging it. She's becoming more and more like dad, Mom. And that's fucking scary. I refuse for her to grow up and become some selfish rich grown woman who still wishes to please everyone while also trying not to give a fuck. Just like our father." Ming stated seriously—the last thing she wants for Onika is for her to end up like their dad.

She knows if she did, she'd become even more distant.

"I've tried talking to him—"

"Talking does not work with that man Ma. When will you realize that? He's a horrible father. Please wake up and smell the mother fuckin' stupidity he releases on the regular." She said, raising her voice slightly before reaching for her jacket—she was done. "I love you with all my heart Ma. But..jesus fucking christ.." She mumbled before looking Carol in her eyes.

"..You're in denial Ma. Something you and Onika both share I guess."

Beyoncé watched as Onika got comfortable in her bed sheets, even in her dress. She dozed off immediately and Beyoncé decided to just take a shower, and get in her pajamas. When she felt the warm water run over her body and she was left to her own thoughts—she thought back to just over an hour ago.

Kehlani made Onika uncomfortable—she made her almost have a panic attack. Beyoncé couldn't have that.

If Onika was going to dance—or being at general peace she needed a calm environment and Kehlani didn't create that for her. Why did Onika still hang around her? Beyoncé let out a frustrated sigh when she saw Kehlani and Onika dancing together.

Beyoncé could tell Kehlani was jealous of her—but she'd never thought she'd be jealous of Kehlani.

"Jealous? Of what?" She whispered, she blew it off and laughed to herself. The hot water and steam must have been getting to her. She stepped out of shower and dried herself, before getting dressed into her pajamas.

Her phone began to ring as she began drying her hair in the mirror. She peered over and saw the familiar number. Mr. Lamier, she hasn't spoken to him awhile. She picked it up before sitting on Onikas bathroom counter.

"Hi—er—sir?" She greeted, and he responded with cheer. "Hi Beyoncé! I just wanted to say I saw Onikas preformance she was absolutely amazing—I have no doubt you'll lead her into the dancing routine without trouble. It is on the 8th so—" Beyoncé immediately froze.

"The 8th? That's..less than a month away. I thought it was set for New years." She said; trying to keep her breathing as calm as possible. Because she wasn't even sure if she could teach Onika a whole dance routine within 3 weeks and some days. That was so short.

"Well—originally yes. But her father wanted move it to December 8th." He said, he sounded a bit surprised himself at the information. But beyoncé thought for a moment. The 8th sounded familiar.

"That's Onikas birthday Mr. Lemaire." She stated, "Oh right! Damn, I don't know why he'd want to have it on her birthday. I just wanted to give you a heads up." He said and Beyoncé sighed. "I'm not sure how I can teach her a dance routine within only 3 weeks. We're still going to school.." She mumbled. Teaching Onika piano was a challenge—but only because of her not cooperating in the beginning. But having to teach Onika dance within 3 weeks was on a whole another level.

"Yeah..if it makes you feel better you're not responsible for the back up dancers learning it. They'll be prepared. You just have to teach Onika—and someone else." He mumbled and Beyoncés eyes widened. "Someone else? What? Onikas the only person I've personally taught. Besides old lady's salsa classes." She exclaimed.

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