Chapter 2

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Hannah's pov

We have been on the road for 2 weeks now, we are running low on food and I don't think hiding and running away from those things are working for us. Morgan was almost bit yesterday when we making lunch, I haven't used the gun or any of the knifes yet. But I think it's Time to re-train myself and to train Jade, and Megan. Jade is thirteen so I think she is old enough but I think Joey and Morgan are to young. Maybe I'll give them a knife or something.

"What are you thinking about" asks Megan

"I'm just thinking we should learn some self defence, we just passed New York so we will be there in about a week if we keep stoping and keep only driving for about 4 hours a day. I just don't think we will be able to survive if Alanta is over run or we get in trouble or something. We have to protect Joey and Morgan. I want to train Jade too, I think she will have a good shot" I say

"Okay sounds good, I agree that we can't keep running from them, we need to be able to kill those things, what are those things called anyways? " Jade says commenting on our conversation.

" I have no idea what they are called.. Let's call them. Walkers" said Megan.

"Yeah I agree, okay let's pull over and start making dinner, how much gas do we have left?" I say

"Less than a quarter of a tank, I told you we should of filled it up more last time we stopped" Megan says

"Okay we will stop at a gas station down the street to see if it's not empty, it it is we will start taking some from the cars" I say

"Okay sounds good" Megan says

I ask the kids if they want to hear another story on the way, they all agree. I start reading the second Harry Potter book, we finished the first one almost 3 days ago. It took us a half hour to find a gas station. I tell everyone to stay in the car and me and Megan get out.

"You go behind and see if there is any gas left. I'm going to check if there is any food left in the convenient store" I say

"Okay sounds good. Be careful shout if anything happens" I say handing her a knife.

I walk into the store an I see that we have hit the jackpot, it still looks untouched. I run back to the car and open the trunk and grave two empty bags, most of the bags are empty because we keep everything on the floor in the car. I keep the trunk open and run back inside. I start throwing all of the chips, cookies, other food drinks and all of the water. Once the two bags are filled up I walk them back to the car when I realize the car wasn't there anymore.

" Megan! Jade!" I scream

" over here" yelled Jade

Oh thank god they are just getting gas.

" make sure you fill it up" I say when I see the car and everyone.

after we get eveything and make sure at everyone. Once the car the was filled with gas and food we were off to find a place to sleep.

We drive around for about another half hour looking for a house to crash in, we finally find one far away from everything. It's a blue house with two stories. Megan, and jade and I all get out of the car and enter the house.
"You go upstairs with jade and I'll stay on the bottom floor" I say. " yell if you see anything "
"Okay sounds good"Jade says

I start walking around with my gun up, knock on walls to make noise I don't think there is anything here. As I head into the kitchen I hear a scream from upstairs.
I run upstairs to see a walker on top of Jade, and Megan was across the room screaming.
"Jade!" I say
Jade had her feet up so the walker couldn't get to her.
I put up my gun
"Jade duck your head" I scream
She does what I say
I shoot 4 bullets. 2 hit the walker. 1 almost hits Jade, and one hits the wall
The walker goes down and get closer to Jade and the walker and shoot the walker in the head.
" oh my god!" Jade says running into my arms
"Shhh it's okay, your okay now" I say holding her
" I'm so sorry.. I just froze" Megan says
"It's okay" I say " you've never had to face anything like that before. I haven't either but I had a gun"
"We should check you, for scratches or bits" Megan says
"Okay" Jade says still really shaken up.
Both Megan and I check for anything. There is nothing on her. Thank god.
Megan and I tell Jade to get the other kids and some stuff out of the car.
"That was close" I say "she could of been killed"
"I know. I can't believe I froze. I really wanted to help" Megan says
"It's okay. But I have an idea" I say
"What is it?" She says
"Well this house is on a farm, it's a huge house far away of everything. Two cars in the drive way probably full of gas. That's the only walker we've seen for about a mile. Only 3 miles until that town we passed. I think their might still be animals in the barn if we're lucky. This place looks untouched and I think we should stay here for awhile". I say.
"What about Atlanta?" Megan asks
"I just don't want the kids to get hurt. We are safer here then out on the road. And we aren't even sure if Atlanta is still safe. I really think we should stay" I say
"Fine we will stay, but only for a short awhile. I still want to try and make it to Atlanta"
We get all of our stuff inside and we all pass out in the living room

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