The train <7

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I hope you liked the last chapter give me some suggestions I'm open to anything. I love you all <3 <3

Tw- b*n
And flashbacks


Today I'm leaving to go see my beautiful boyfriend. The train ride is atleast 3 hours long so I have some time to kill, I started bye reading my book, then I listened to music. Eventually I dosed of asleep Intel I felt someone sit next to me. Ben Hope.

If you couldent tell I hate Ben apparently he didn't recognize me, that is intell I pulled my phone out and he must have seen my background with me and nick. When he saw that he shot out of the seat and walked away . I couldent help buy think about all the things he did to me last year. He was probably scared that I would send nick to beat the shit out of him again even tho he would deserve it.


I get a text from Charlie that he was only 30 minutes away from the station. Okay I know it sounds cheesy but I couldent help it, last night I went and got a poster board and wrote "char" on it I thought he would like it even if he was embarrassed at first, but I think it's really romantic.

As I'm driving to the station I get another message from Charlie saying how he met Ben on the train I couldent help it my face went red and I felt my skin boiling like red hot lava about to explode.

If you have any suggestions please let me know and I will work them in. I love you all <3 <3 . Stay safe

Heartstopper short storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora