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Takumi went to the bathroom, and when he came back, he saw that she had fallen asleep on the sofa; he didn't want to wake her up, so he grabbed a blanket from the other chair and covered her body with it. When he looked at her, she was still beautiful, but of course, being a mom wasn't easy, and on top of that, with everything that happened, he could see how all the stress had left some minor marks on her face. So he observes her and finds himself searching for her lips. But then he stopped and stood up; as he stood up, Sakura grabbed his hand and didn't let go. She wasn't awake, but she mumbled something: Don't leave. Why did you leave? Why did you leave? It hurts. Why did you come back after all this? Takumi looked at her and said: I am sorry I left you. I had to go away and find myself after everything. I didn't want to leave, but it was for the best, and now you are happy.

You have a great husband and a wonderful daughter. Thank you for raising Aiko. She is beautiful, sweet, and kind. Sakura cried as she heard this and opened her eyes; she was asleep, but when she noticed that Takumi was about to leave, she woke up and saw how he had said this thing to her. When she met her eyes with Takumi, who was right in front of her face, she didn't say anything and just observed him. They looked at each other and knew that even after these years, they still loved each other deeply. Then Sakura did something that she regretted later; She kissed him.

At first, he was frozen, but then he pushed her away and stood up. Sakura didn't know what had happened to her or why she kissed him. Takumi said: I should go now. Thank you that I could spend time with my daughter. Sakura was confused; she didn't know what to say and said: I am sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. Takumi: Please don't. I know you are drunk, and it was a mistake. Sakura: Why did you come back? Takumi then turned around and said: I have a project here. It wasn't my plan to meet you or Aiko. Sakura was hurt as she heard this, and when Takumi was about to leave, she ran towards him, grabbed his shoulder, and shouted: Then why did we meet? Why did you have to work with my father and Ito? Why did you want to see your daughter? Why did you leave and now come back to hurt me again? Takumi: No. I didn't want to hurt anyone or ruin anyone's life. I don't know.
Sakura: Why do you look like this every time I see you? Shouldn't you be happy? Why do you look at me like this? Takumi: I am not satisfied, and you know that. How can I be happy if the woman I love is married to my former best friend but lives with my daughter, and they are like the perfect family? I had hoped I had forgotten you, but when we met at the mall, all the memories and moments we shared came band when I saw Aiko. I felt even more guilty towards you because I still love you deeply even after all this time,

And with this said, he grabbed her waist and kissed her. Sakura fought back at first, but after a while, she let this happens. She had missed him, and deep down, she knew that this was what she wanted to know. After all these years, he still loved her. Takumi kissed her even more profoundly, and Sakura closed her eyes; she knew that if they continued, they would make another mistake, but even if she knew it was wrong since she was legally married to Ito, she wanted Takumi. She had missed him so much that sakura began to kiss his neck, and they went towards the bedroom. As they continued to kiss, Sakura unbuttoned his shirt, but suddenly, Takumi stopped her and looked at her with shock in his eyes. Sakura asked him: What? Takumi looked at her as she lay on the bed under him and looked up. Takumi: This doesn't seem right; we almost made a mistake. I have to go. Sakura: Takumi. Takumi looked at her and said: I can't do this, Sakura. I can't betray Ito again. And what if your father finds out about it? That we are together right now, we were overwhelmed with our own emotions right now. Sakura: Takumi, I am. Takumi Butten his shirt up and went out of the door. Sakura had to clear her head; he was right. This was wrong, and she knew it. She couldn't betray Ito like this, if her father knew about it, he wouldn't allow Takumi to see his daughter, and she didn't want to let this happen. Takumi went to the door and wanted to leave when he saw that Ito was coming, Sakura fixed herself and wanted to say something to Takumi, but when she saw that Ito was coming up the stairs to their door and they met, she didn't say anything. Takumi and Ito didn't say anything. They just looked at each other, and Takumi went inside his car and drove away.

On the other hand, Ito saw Sakura waiting for him at the door and asked: Are you alright? Did something happen? Sakura: Yes, I am okay. Nothing happened. He just left, he had a great time with Aiko, and we had just washed the dishes, and then he left. Ito: Okay, that's good. And did Aiko enjoy it? Sakura felt guilty lying to Ito that nothing had happened and only said that Takumi and Aiko had a great time together. With this said, she went inside. When she entered the living room, she saw the two wine glasses and the bottle and quickly hid them in the kitchen. So Ito wouldn't see them. She knew that it was wrong what she did, and she regretted it. 

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