The Tension

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Takumi was in the park and walked around it. He saw many people and students. He then walked to a large pond and saw Sakura sitting on a bench, he wasn't sure if he should approach her, but then he sat behind her and waited. He heard her crying and wondered why she was crying. He couldn't stay still, so he stood up and sat next to her; Sakura looked up, and when she saw him, began to cry even more. He didn't wait until she spoke and hugged her. She cried for a while in his arms and embraced him. Finally, she stopped, and when she got out of his embrace, she said: I am sorry. I couldn't help myself. Takumi: Sakura. I know it is difficult for me too. Sakura looked at Takumi, and she knew that he meant every word he said to her. Takumi: I know that you still love me too. And I know that you fight your feelings for me. You do it for the sake of your family and my friendship with Ito. I know how it feels to hide your feelings for the person you love the most since I also experienced it because you are engaged and soon married to my best friend. Sakura didn't speak, and when she looked at Takumi, she leaned forward and kissed him. He was shocked at first but kissed her back, and they kissed even more passionately.

After their kiss, they stood up, and Takumi took her hand and said, let's go. They went together to his car and drove to a hotel, where they booked a room. Sakura knew what they did now was wrong, but she couldn't help. Now she could finally be with the love of her life, and she didn't know if they would be together like this again. Takumi knew that she hesitated, and he also felt terrible, but he finally knew that Sakura also loved him, and even if they couldn't be together, they would be together now. Sakura looked at Takumi, who smiled at her, and she forgot all her thoughts and the consequences that would follow after this. They went to their room, where Takumi began to kiss her even more passionately, and they began to walk towards the bed, where she started to unbutton his shirt, and he also opened the zipper of her dress. They kissed, and she was already in her underwear and his trouser. Suddenly the phone rang. They ignored it and continued, but the phone didn't stop. Takumi tried to stop her from answering it, but the phone didn't stop, so Sakura had to answer it. It was Ito who had called her because he wanted to know when she would be home. Sakura said she would be home soon and hung up, but then it hit her, and she stopped Takumi, who kissed her again and said: We should stop. This doesn't seem right. I am sorry.

Sakura got up and wanted to wear her dress when Takumi held her and said: Sakura, wait. He held Sakura tightly in his right arm and didn't want to let go of her; his head leaned against her head, and he tried to fight his desperation at the situation. But Sakura looked at him and said: I am sorry, we should stop. After all, I am about to get married, you have a fiance, and Ito is your best friend. So we can stay friends but nothing more. And with this said, she wore her dress took her shoes and left the hotel room. She felt horrible. She didn't know why she had let this situation get out of hand. Of course, she was sorry for Takumi because she had given him hope, and in the end, she did that. After that, they were friends and nothing more. But she knew this was the only way for them to continue, she would soon get married to his best friend, and she didn't know if after today she could have continued to hide her feelings every time she saw him. But, of course, she knew that now it would be even more complex, and she didn't realize how Takumi would now behave around Ito or his finance. Maybe he would get revenge on her because she had left him and would tell Ito everything. But she knew that he still loved her and that they were friends, so he wouldn't do it because he would also hurt his best friend.

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