Loving you

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Two months later:

Sakura and Ito have been married for two months already. They didn't go on a honeymoon because Ito and Sakura had a significant project, so that they couldn't go. Sakura was angry at Ito since he didn't tell her he knew about Takumi and Sakura. And so she hadn't talked to him, only about business-related things. Sakura saw Takumi daily at work, but they hadn't spoken since her wedding. She hadn't told him that Ito knew because she didn't want to even more destroy Ito's and Takumi's friendship even if it wasn't fair to Takumi. She tried to tell him but had decided it was better that Ito would say to him. She didn't know when he would do it, but she knew that he should do it soon since Takumi had noticed that Ito's behavior towards him had changed since their wedding.

A few months earlier:
Ito was called to his father-in-law. Mr. Suzuki had called him to his office because he had something important to talk to him about. Ito didn't know what was happening and when he was called to the office, Mr. Suzuki began to speak: First of all, I want to congratulate you for working so hard. I am proud of how you have achieved the last deal. Thank you for caring about the company. I have something important to tell you about Sakura. I am ashamed to tell you about it, but I had to investigate since I found it strange. Sakura's behavior has changed these past months drastically, and I am sorry for you. I did it because I had to protect the company's image.

Mr. Suzuki showed Ito pictures of Sakura and Takumi. They were laughing and holding hands. On another one, they kissed and hugged each other. Mr. Suzuki: Did you know about it? Ito knew that Sakura loved Takumi, but he hadn't thought that she would be with him and that he also loved her. He was shocked to learn that, but he didn't want to bring Sakura into an awkward position, so he said: Yes. I knew. Sakura doesn't love me, and that's OK. I know that our relationship is that we are only friends. Before we moved to Japan, we made a deal that we could date the person we liked, but we were engaged with each other in public. I am sorry we kept that a secret from you and my parents.
Mr. Suzuki: OK, if it is OK for you. Then if you don't mind, I will let Sakura know about it soon. Ito: No, please don't. I will let her know when the time is right. I don't want to break her happiness. Mr. Suzuki: It is a shame that she doesn't love you. I didn't say that Takumi is a bad guy, but you two are engaged, and you should be in love since you are getting married in a few weeks. What will happen after the wedding? Do you think they would break up? No, they will hide it until they can. Even if you are OK with it, I am not OK with it. I am ashamed that my daughter had an affair. She is such a good daughter. Why did she make such a dumb mistake? She will be president of my company when I am gone. I'm not too fond of the idea that she has a secret life that you or I have to protect for her so that it won't become a scandal and our company has to suffer because of the consequences that will follow if this ever comes known to the public.

Ito couldn't say anything. Mr. Suzuki was right about it. If this scandal were known to the public, it would affect the company and its reputation, and the name of his and Takumi's family would also be involved. This wouldn't be good for their images since they were well known in the business world. Ito was angry at Takumi even more since he hadn't told him that he also loved Sakura. He was his best friend, why didn't he tell him? Ito knew that Takumi didn't want to hurt him because Takumi knew that Ito loved Sakura, and that's why he hadn't told him his feelings towards Sakura, but he had hoped since they were best friends that Takumi would have told him. He decided not to tell Sakura or Takumi since he knew that Sakura wasn't in love with him, and the engagement was agreed upon between their parents. And after their wedding, things would have to change since they would be seen more often in public.

The weeks passed, and Ito hadn't talked to Sakura or Takumi about their relationship. Today Sakura returned from her business trip, and Ito knew about it, but he was too busy with his new project, so he only texted her to tell her he wouldn't come home. The following day he went home, and after Sakura had delivered the package to Takumi's and Nana's apartment, she didn't talk much and looked shocked. He didn't know what had happened and didn't want to interfere with her since he heard her cry in the bathroom. The next day he learned that  Nana was pregnant with Takumi's child, which is why Sakura was heartbroken.
At their wedding, Ito didn't want to tell Sakura that he knew but when they got married, and the friends and family congratulated him, he saw how Takumi looked at Sakura with guilt. He felt angry that his friend had played with her feelings, and as an act of revenge against Takumi, Ito decided to tell her, then it was time for their dance, and he told her. After the dance, she didn't speak to him, only if friends congratulated them. After their wedding ended, Sakura and Ito went to their apartment and closed their doors. He didn't want to talk to her, and she didn't want to talk to him. Since their wedding, they rarely spoke to each other, only when they had to.

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