The Journey into your heart

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They both saw their parents sitting on each side of the room. Since their parents were all business partners, they were polite and professional about their behavior towards each other even if they knew what had happened between Takumi and Sakura. When they saw Takumi and Sakura entering, their laughs vanished from their mouth, and they looked reticent and angry. But then Aiko was on Sakura's hand, and the tense atmosphere would be a little more relaxed. Takumi began to speak: Mr. Suzuki, I know that you don't like me as a son-in-law, and I know that I have made many mistakes in the past, but I want to correct them and be with your grand-daughter. I want to see her grow, and I love your daughter Sakura.

As you know, after everything, I worked hard to prove to myself and your family that I could provide for my own family. I know that what we did when we were young wasn't right, but since we couldn't be together before, we couldn't stop loving ourselves even after all this. I know that Sakura was very ill during her pregnancy, and I am sorry for being a coward and that I left her. Now I want to be with her. And I ask for your permission to be with your daughter and granddaughter.

Mr. Suzuki looked at Takumi but only asked Sakura: Sakura, what about you? Can you forgive him? Sakura: I have forgiven him; it wasn't only Takumis's mistake. It was our mistake; we were young and didn't know the consequence of our behavior, but Aiko came into my life; and I knew that it was hard, but I saw how much. Takumi loves his daughter and me. I know he didn't want to go away, but he was forced to because of the situation. The truth is, I have loved him since we lived in Singapore. I didn't know that you would engage me with Ito. And I know we were young, but now I am a mother, and Takumi wants to be in Aiko's life as her father. Ito and I, we don't love each other. I love Takumi and Aiko loves him too. We want to prove to you that we can be responsible parents for Aiko and that we love each other. And we don't bring any harm to our family businesses. I know many people will gossip if they see that I marry Takumi, but it doesn't matter to us; we know that we love each other and are happy together.

Takumi's, as well as Sakura's parents, looked at each other, and then Sakura's father said: Okay. We allow you to be together, but you have to. Get married since this is the only right way for everything. We also made a mistake and didn't want to hurt you with our decisions anymore. I hope I can be a happy family.
Sakura and Takumi couldn't believe their ears. Did their parents approve of their relationship and even tell them to get married? Sakura began to cry, and Takumi hugged her. She couldn't believe it. Aiko, who stood beside her, looked at her mother and hugged her. Sakura picked her up, kissed her on her forehead, and hugged her tightly.

On the other hand, Takumi went to his father-in-law and thanked him. He held his hands, and tears fell from his face. Sakura's father and mother then hugged him and apologized to him, and Takumi kneeled before their feet to thank them for permitting him to marry their daughter. Takumi's father and mother hugged Sakura and welcomed her into their family. Then Takumi and Sakura deceived to tell Aiko that Takumi was her biological father. Takumi held Aiko in their arms and said to her: Aiko, I am your father. When Aiko heard this, she hugged Takumi and said: I already knew it since Mom always cried when you were away. Sakura was fascinated that her daughter of three years old would notice when she was said or who her father was. But Sakura knew that Aiko was an intelligent child, and so she knew that Takumi was her father. After their dinner, the family planned the wedding and everything.

Some months later, Sakura stood before a mirror in a beautiful white dress. She looked at herself and couldn't believe that the day had finally arrived when she would marry Takumi. After everything, they had been through. Takumi was also very nervous as he looked in the mirror; he was happy that he would finally marry the woman he had loved since the moment he had seen her. Because he had fallen in love with her when he saw her at the University in the class when their eyes met, he felt a spark in his chest and was fascinated by her beauty.
But this was his little secret, and he would tell her only after today. Soon the ceremony began, and Takumi now stood at the altar and waited for Sakura to walk down the aisle with her father. His daughter would be the flower girl. As she entered, he was happy to see his daughter walking with his younger sister Mare. When she was finished, she ran toward Takumi, and he lifted her and kissed her on her cheeks. She giggled, and the other people laughed at this scene. Then the big moment came, the. Doors opened. All family and friends from Sakura, Takumi, and Ito stood up, and then the music began to play, the bride entered the church, and everybody was fascinated by her beauty and how beautiful she looked in this dress. Ito, who stood next to Takumi, laid his arm around Takumi's shoulder and smiled at him.

Takumi and Ito had talked about everything, and now they were good friends again. Ito had forgiven Takumi because he knew how much Takumi loved Sakura and how much Sakura loved Takumi. And he saw how happy they were as a family, Takumi was a great father to Aiko, and he, now her uncle, still was like a father to her. So Ito would visit them weekly to play with Aiko or to bake her cake. The little girl wanted that Ito was still part of her life, and Takumi and Sakura allowed it since Ito had also raised her since her birth.

As Sakura walked the aisle, she thought about everything that had happened to her and Takumi. If she hadn't studied in Singapore, she hadn't met Takumi or her other friends, and she would have never been in all this. Of course, it wasn't always easy and sometimes challenging, but in the end, she and Takumi were finally together. Ito also found someone who he loved. Aiko had a father, and her parents finally accepted Takumi as her son-in-law. She knew that Takumi loved her, and she loved him. And finally, they could be a real family, as she had always hoped since she knew that she was pregnant, but then wasn't the right time to be with each other, but now it was.
Sakura began to cry, and her father next to her noticed it and said: You shouldn't call. What if your makeup is ugly when we arrive? Sakura laughed at his response and said: Thank you for always wanting to beat for me and for approving Takumi.
Sakura's father said I know he is a good guy deep down. And he wants the best for you and my granddaughter. With that said, they finally arrived at the altar, and Sakura's father gave her hand into Takumi's hand and said: Please love and protect her as I did.
Takumi responded: I will protect her and my daughter with my own life until I die.

And like this, Takumi and Sakura are now husband and wife. They had a rough journey, but in the end, their love was so strong that nothing could break it, and they finally could be with each other.

The End...

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