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Kunal:  Can you stop complaining on me Siddhi!  I never asked you to do anything except for the marriage, and even that I didnt compel you. Rest everything you did it was on your own, your choice. I never asked you to fetch me that glass of water you are boasting about

Siddhi: So, now all that I did is boasting? Wow

Kunal: I wanted to actually make it smooth but you gave me no choice, so hear!!! You did all this to yourself,  you wanted to be a saviour in our lives and everyone appreciated it. And now since Anand's arrival the story may have been changed isnt it? You are caught in a cross fire, aint you?

Siddhi:bus Kunal,  Another word and this ends right here.

Kunal:  There is nothing left, just some imagination of yours

Siddhi: So be it Kunal! anyway you have the divorce papers that I signed with you already, what are you waiting for, and please don't wait for Shilpa's marriage I think we can certainly manage one lesser guest.


Kunal was sitting or rather sleeping on a sofa with his hands rolling the cubic puzzle

Person: So you wanna talk about why we are here?

Kunal: I thought its tuesday today and we were supposed to meet

Person: yea, but what is the purpose if this meeting?

Kunal: How am i supposed to know doctor? I'm here to understand it.

Doctor: Why don't we start from where we left, so did you meet your ex-wife after that day?

Kunal: Ofcourse not, why would I meet her?

Doctor: Because you shared a good relationship with Shilpa, and I thought you would have attended her wedding.

Kunal: I even shared a good relationship with my wife as well, that doesnt mean i go back

Doctor: So, you didnt meet her. Why do call Ms.Siddhi Malik your wife again and again despite the divorce proceedings?

Kunal: Which divorce? Oh common I thought you would figure out, I asked her to handle a divorce case on my behalf and she still thinks its her own. She should have read it, but clearly didnt.

Doctor: So, why dont you actually do it, give her a proper divorce, a closure.

Kunal: Because.. maybe i dont want to see her face, or she wouldnt want to see me.

Doctor: Or you want to hold to the last piece of your relationship

Kunal: Which is?

Doctor: A legal document saying that you both are husband and wife

Kunal: Oh no, do you recall i was the first one to leave her

Doctor: And do you reprimand that decision

Kunal: Can I take those chewing gums on your desk?

Doctor: Ofcourse! So tell me what do you do for a distraction other than chewing gums?

Kunal: I take off sometime from work

Doctor: Good, that good. How often do you do?

Kunal: Regularly, like 3 days a week, mostly alternative

Doctor: Thats half your working days, do you drink those days?

Kunal: Ofcourse not, i used to drink before marriage but not a sip after marriage, that includes even now. Common doctor do you expect every devdas to be a alcoholic?

Doctor: So you agree that you are the Devdas here?

Kunal: Its a metaphor doctor, just to refresh your memory I clearly asked her to leave.

Doctor: Somethings that we repeat often are either lies that you wanna tell others or something that we ourselfs wanna beleive in. Leaving that aside, from your conversation I understand Siddhi shares a good bond with your family members, so How did you cope up with that post this fake divorce?

Kunal: They clearly blame me for it, but she vanished from everyone's life which i certainly didnt think of

Doctor: Why do you expect her to be in touch with your family members when the ties with you are not good.

Kunal: Because she is not someone who would hurt others just because I hurt her.

Doctor: So you vouch her that she is good

Kunal: Not good, a great..hmm maybe more than that, do you have a word for that doctor?

Doctor: Yet you decided to divorce her, why?  you have repeated the same story thrice but you didnt point me the reason why

Kunal: I'm trying to say that only doctor but for that you need to understand it from beginning(cuts in)

Doctor: yes, this is something that i am hearing for the last 4 sessions. Kunal why dont you go back to your family this weekend? This can be your activity

Kunal: But no doctor, its like a judgement day, a silent court room

Doctor: So nobody talks to you anymore?

Kunal: Not that i cared about, but its more empty you know without a laughter

Doctor: Well your house in delhi is same, empty , no laughter

Kunal: Atleast i know no one is there or used to be there

Doctor: So after Siddhi your room looks empty

Kunal: thats true, indeed looks like she had three trolleys of things in my room and since their departure the room looks pretty empty. Should I lease my part of the room?

Doctor: So you hide your emotions behind humor.

Kunal: Is that a question? or a compliment? what is that?

Doctor: So coming back to the question again, what do you do on the alternative days apart from work?

Kunal: I write, i have the habit of writing diary in my room all day

Doctor: My assumption of writing diary is a registry of moments in your life, as in ... in a day. Something that you did or happened. But sitting all day home, what exactly do you write?

Kunal: The very same, moments of the day. Like how i missed my tea... i mean doctor you shouldnt read or listen to someone's diary.  My wife never touched mine

Doctor: Because of your fear i guess?

Kunal: No, ofcourse not. She knew the difference between privacy and a companionship. Even if our relationship went solid she wouldnt have opened and read it.

Doctor: So you still somewhere hope it would have worked ( cuts in)

Kunal: Why is Siddhi a point of our discussion? Aint this my therapy session?

Doctor: In the last one hour you took her name 26 times, and referred her as your wife uncountable number of times. So you tell me why do i repeatedly hear her name?  I hope we find that answer in the next session, and do that activity i gave you Kunal. You may be a Supreme court lawyer but here im your honor and you know the drill !!

Kunal: uff... got it.

Parichay: Only The Heart Knows | Mayakkam EnnaWhere stories live. Discover now