Chapter 4: Gwaine knows and won't back off

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Authors note: Just to make it clear so y'all ain't confused, this is from Gwaine's perspective. Love you. Also, sorry for not posting in a hot minute.

      Holy fuck was Gwaine pissed. The person that he considered to be one of his best friends was hitting on HIS man. That's right, Gwaine saw it all. At first, he found it kind of weird that Arthur wasn't going his usual ways to get to classes. Then he outright took the longer ways. So of course, Gwaine thought that Arthur was chasing after a girl. He was wrong.

     He saw Arthur purposefully bump into Merlin, GWAINE's man, and horribly flirt with him. Gwaine tried reasoning with himself that maybe it was accidental but nope. Arthur had his "I'm trying to get lucky" face on. He was also blushing like an idiot by the end of the conversation. With all this new information Gwaine pulled what he felt like was a fair card.

     "Hello Morgana." Gwaine knew that Arthur would tell his sister about anything so why not this?

      "Hi Gwaine. What do you want?" Morgana spat out, sick of people only calling her when it related to Arthur. And trust me by the tone of Gwaine's voice she knew it was related to Arthur and his whore habits.

     "I just wanted to see if Arthur told you about the whole Merlin thing." Gwaine had basically nothing to run off of other than one interaction between the two, so he was pretty much just shooting in the dark. 

    "Oh, so he finally grew a pair and told you? Kudos to him sort of shocked he hasn't told me yet." Morgana seemed to be bored with the conversation.

    "Yeah, so I was just wondering how much he actually told you." Gwaine paused, wondering what to say, "You know, about how long this has been going on."

      "Ughh, he's been droning about him forever but just recently realized that you were both crushing on the same person." Gwaine was almost going to go confront Arthur, almost. After an awkward pause passed between the two Morgana started, "Well, this chat has been lovely however I need to go do anything else. Bye."

      "Thanks Morgana, also could you please not tell Arthur I called?" He was just about to start pleading with her so she wouldn't tell Arthur.

     "Kind of weird but okay, goodbye." Gwaine could hear the click off signaling that the line went dead.

     Gwaine knew that he had to make his move soon and if he didn't then he'd miss his shot. So, knowing what he must do, Gwaine put a plan in action. And that stupid ass plan was to man the fuck up and ask him out.

      The next day at school Gwaine had waited until after the class he had with Merlin. He was not going to be deterred nor offended by his best friend. Gwaine knew why they would like the same guy. Merlin, in Gwaine's eyes, was a god and if somebody had told him how perfect Merlin was before he saw the man then Gwaine wouldn't believe them. However, setting his eyes on this magnificent man was like being blessed. 

    Once the class was over, he practically sprinted over to where Merlin was packing his stuff but before he arrived, Gwaine whipped out his phone and checked himself out in the mirror. He slicked back a bit of his hair with his hand then walked up to the ethereal boy.

   Although Gwaine felt like he was sweating like a sinner in church he mustered up all his courage. And stuck his foot in his mouth. "Hey." It was something between his best attempt at a whiskey rough voice and a voice crack and he felt like killing himself. But he was already there, and he felt like he wouldn't make a good impression if he committed suicide in front of Merlin. 

    "Oh, hello. How can I help you?" Merlin gave Gwaine a knee weakening smile as he straightened himself up.

     "Not to be creepy or anything but you're like really cute and amazing and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" When asked Gwaine would completely deny that he squeaked out that last bit however, he fucking squeaked. He quickly added, "If not that's perfectly fine and I hope we can be friends. No pressure."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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