Chapter 6

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Azariah's POV

As I am getting ready which didn't consist of much as I don't really have any clothes my ribs start to hurt. I think my happiness took over me for a few hours and made me forget the true pain that I am in cause it hurts extremely bad and I don't know what to do I don't have any money to even pay for medical bills. A knock at the door takes me out of my thought process. "Yes" Dalton comes in hands me some clothes, "If you want to change here are some jeans and a shirt if you like,"

"Thank you" after that he left the room and I looked at the jeans and they are women clothes that must mean he has a girlfriend or something or maybe a little sister hope more for a little sister because even though I don't know much a bout him he is very handsome and I'd like to get to know him better but he probably wouldn't even want to be with someone like me it's most likely just pity.

Not really wanting to go out anymore but not waning to be rude I start to make my way down the stair but as I take my first step I hit my rib into the stairs rail and I gasp as tears instantly threaten to fall from my eyes I wipe them because I don't want to make a scene and just go to sit on the sofa and wait for Dalton to come down. Five minutes later he comes down and we go to his jet black Range Rover with tinted windows. He opens the door for me helps me up because I am quite short then he puts my seatbelt on. When I look at him I see a hint of regret that he'd done that, but I didn't mind that he did that. "Okay so here is the plan I want you to have this card and spend as much as you want and spend it wherever you want I expect to see you with bags of clothes and then you can meet me at the food court I want to give you some privacy while you shop but here is my spare phone if anything happens call the number at the top its mine are you alright with that?"

"No I don't want to send all your money, but I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I can I promise I will."
"No worries about the money and go on be at the food court in an hour"

I start to walk off with the card and phone and I look back and I see that Dalton is still standing there and he sees me turn around and he raises his eyebrow which makes me know that he is being serious so I walk into the nearest clothes store and just get some jeans t-shirts some of the shirts are pastel colours I don't mind wearing jeans but not all the time, but I don't want Dalton to think I'm weird. The phone in my pocket pinged so I looked at it and Dalton had sent a text to the pin of the card saying he forgot to give it to me just in case the contactless doesn't work. I only have thirty minutes left I think I have more than enough now I have jumpers, t-shirts, different types of shorts, socks and underwear I brought some sexy underwear with the lace cause I can't have the Minnie mouse ones laying around and then I got two shoes that was on sale along with a jacket. To save as much as I could I brought things that were commonly on sale. Now I have to make my way to the food court, but I cant help but notice a few things in a shop across from me. It has paci's, blankies and stuffies all the things that a little would dream of, but I cant buy them Dalton will know that I went in there and he might ick me out or look at me weird so I just keep walking. Before I get to the food court I come across an ATM and an idea come in my head I go to the ATM put in the pin Dalton told me and then take out a bit of cash and go back to that store I need my comforts. I pick up two paci's, a blankie it was similar to my old one just that it had bunnies on it, I got a colouring book with princesses in it and I got crayons too. When it was time to pay and bag up the things I asked the lady if she had a small box kind of like a shoe box to put them in and a black bag and shockingly she did which brought me joy I said thank you and made my way to the food court. I looked for Dalton, but I didn't see him which is fine since I still had fifteen minutes left so I just got a table and had a seat because carrying these bags made my ribs ache and I needed to rest. I looked around and saw two figures in the distance. The man was holding the women's hand extremely hard, it looked like it hurt a lot, but as they came closer I realised that it was my mom and dad I don't really want them to see me I don't want things to go back to how it was I would hate for it to be how it was before so I turn my back the other way so they don't see my face in hopes that they wont notice me when I believed that they was gone I relaxed back into the chair.

"Happy to see you got lots of things and made it to the food court" Dalton said coming from behind me which made me jump a little hoping he didn't notice. "Sorry if it's too much I don't mind to retur-"

"Absolutely not I am very pleased with the amount you brought" He cut me off. "I just walked pass a couple well I think they're a couple and the man was just screaming at her and dragging her hand along before they went in a shop"

"Um what was the women wearing" I couldn't help but ask even though deep down I knew it was my mom

"Erm I think she had on a blue dress something like that and she had curly hair, why"

"No reason just wondering. May we order and eat it at your house please?" I just wanted to leave I didn't like the possibility that my parents could see me at any given time. Dalton didn't mind and he asked what I wanted I just got fries he kept asking if I wanted more but I declined, once we got our food he took some of my bags and I took some even though he said that he could carry them all along with the bags that he already had I wondered what he brought, but it was none of my business so I picked up the remaining bags and went to the car with him.

When we get in I put the bags on the on the floor by the bed and notice two other doors in the room, not really sure what they are and curiosity gets the best of me so I open one and it's a closet it's big and I like it a lot I don't know how I never noticed it before and then other one was a bathroom it had a big bath and a shower a counter with a sink and a cupboard I assume for towels and there was one on top of the sink which I assume is for things like medicine I open it, but it's empty I really hoped for some painkillers. I leave and get ready to make my way downstairs, but before I leave the room I noticed that there is a lock on the door which I guess could come in handy if I ever slip which I have been supressing for what feels as forever.

I go downstairs and sit round the table to eat my fries and Dalton sits opposite me and we sit in a comfortable silence. "I hope you know that you can decorate the room how you like it's all yours I just ask that you don't go in the two rooms opposite your room, my room is the door next to yours on the left you can come and find me there or in my office which is just next to the dining room, downstairs is a gym and movie room which is open to you at all times" I give a quite thank you even though I am curious to know what is in those rooms I respect his privacy. When I finish I get up from the table but I move too fast and hit my side on the corner of the table which I instantly let out a yelp of pain and held onto my ribs. "Azariah are you okay, do you need help?" It hurt too much to even say anything the tears was just falling rapidly and I wanted them to stop I didn't want to look week, but It hurt so much I just couldn't control them. I don't even know how we ended up on the sofa but here I am.

Dalton's POV

It hurt to see her in so much pain I wish I could help her, but I don't know what to do. It must be something more than just a jap by the table. "Azzy can you please lift up your shirt so I can see where it hurts?" she shakes her head and moves further away, by now it's just little sniffles. "Sweets I can't help if you don't show me" she almost looks like she's in deep thought and she slowly stands up and stands up and slowly lifts it up and I don't know what to say she has purple brown black looking bruises I don't even now what to say. "Okay I am going to take you to the emergency room those clearly need to be treated."


"But you have to get help at least tell me why?"

Azariah's POV

How can I have a nursing degree and not like hospitals so I just say the most obvious thing there is to say. "I don't like hospitals"

"Okay I understand how about I go with you and never leave your side"

"Pinky promise" I say while holding out my pinky

"Pinky promise" He said while locking our pinkies

Thank you for reading please vote and sorry for any mistakes 

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