Chapter 2

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Azariah's Pov

I feel like I've been walking for ages my legs are aching I'm so tired I just want to snuggle up with midnight and my blankie I have tried so hard to not slip into little space not now I need to be strong and find myself somewhere to sleep for the night. I see this small narrow alleyway looks completely abandoned I walk down it and see some cardboard up against the wall I put the cardboard on the floor and I put my bag on top I lay down and take my blankie out I take my arms out my coat and have them in the inside so I can cuddle midnight without anyone knowing that I have her its still freezing cold but the rain has stopped so there is not much more that I can do now slowly as I listen to cars drive by once in a while and slowly start to close my eyes and drift off to sleep hoping to dream about being in a cosy den with midnight and all the sweets I can eat.

The next morning

Waking up this morning the weather wasn't too bad there was a warm breeze in the air this morning I wanted to look for a job the sooner the better. Lots of places take applications online but since my phone is dead I am going to have to try walking into places to see if they will take my application, I do have a high education I might not get the dream job I want but as long as it's enough to pay for a small house that I can live in I'll be fine. First I see a pizza restaurant and I go to the reception and say that I am looking for a job and would like to send in an application. I start to fill out the application with the basic details it requires and the I get to the part where it asks for my address and I don't even know what to put if I put my old one they'll know that its not mine because it's currently up for sale. The waitress comes back over to me.

"Have you finished the application yet?"

"erm i-"

"What's wrong something you don't understand I don't mind to help"

I had to blink back my tears I didn't want her to think I was childish.

"I don't have a home." I mumbled shocked that she could even hear me

"Look I'm sorry you have it rough it was up to me I'd give you he job still I know it can be hard but no address no job sorry love"

With that she took the application and left I couldn't handle the embarrassment so with that I got my bag and walked out. I squeezed Midnight in my pocket in hopes that everything would e okay it had to be I don't know what I'd do otherwise I just wish I had someone to help me not like anyone would anyway I'm tiny as fuck no one would even believe if I said I was twenty one I'm tiny compared to the average height of one. Oh well I am going to get a job and a place if it's the last thing that I do.

Before I knew it the day was over and most places was shut I tried everywhere not even the hospitals will except me even though they know I have a degree it just sucks I feel like today has been a waste of time and I'm so tired so I decide that I should just go back to the alley I slept in last night and hope for a better day in the morning.

When I wake up I see a figure over me but I felt like I was dreaming so I choose to just close my eyes and ignore it.

"Open your eyes bitch I know you see me!"

In an instant by hearing that voice I jump up which was a bit too quick for me as I haven't eaten in the last two days.


He doesn't even say anything he just punches me in my face which feels so bad why would he want to bring me down even more than he already has I don't get it why won't he just leave me then I feel multiple sharp pains in my side as he keeps kicking me one of my ribs are at least broken or badly bruised and I cant even get any help because I have no money at all.

"You little bitch you thought you'd get away with ruining my life you nasty whore don't think I don't know that you sleeping here is a cover up when you're really spreading your legs like the filthy bitch you are!"

As my eyes are slightly open I see the sunrise so I know it's extremely early before I know dad well Peter he doesn't deserve that title anymore he grabs my bag and I try to run after him but my ribs hurt like hell I tried to run and go faster I don't want to lose the things I have in that bag they mean the world to me they make me who I am. I start to see black dots in my vison I shake my head so I have a clear view again but by the time I do Peter disappears and I don't know what to do everything I own the last few things I have to my name gone just like that. I go back to the ally and just sit on a piece of cardboard and cry I don't know what to do anymore I feel something in my Pocket MIDNIGHT I am so happy he didn't get to take her I don't know what I'd do I'm going to go looking for more jobs today and find somewhere else to sleep because I can't stay here he might come back and I need that job to treat my ribs but I'm a bit scared I don't like being the patient I like being the one to help others as I know what it feels like to be frightened. I need to also find some food because if I don eat soon I'll pass out. 

Thank you for reading sorry for any mistakes 

Khalanni xx

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