Chapter 23

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GUYYYSSSSS IM BACKKKKKKKKKK I am so happy I had  a large break. My birthday was in April pretty much celebrated the entire month and now I'm lowkey ready to get to get back to business. Firstly we are #1 in the category babygirl as of (15/05/2023) May 15th. Also want to give a huge shout out to everyone voting and adding this story to their reading list. Shout out to @a_peace_co and @luv_bug23 for constant support. I love you all this is just a small chapter nothing much but just to give you guys a little something and I hope you enjoy 

A week later

Azariah's POV

It has been a week since the incident and I am very happy today because they have finished fixing the house so me and Daddy get to move back in after staying in a hotel I just want to be able to be in my own bed. I know Daddy is a bit worried about me because he hasn't really left me alone since the hospital visit and I had a concussion, but I'm okay and a lot better. I think I want to do something special for him which is needed because I can feel his stress radiating off of him.

"Princess you ready to go," He asks pulling me out my thoughts

"Yes sir, Yes sir" I say standing at attention. He just chuckles at my silliness and we make our was to the elevator hand in hand.

At the house

"Ahhhh it feels so good to be back," I said taking my shoes off and putting them on the shoe rack.

"I want to talk to you Riah, so once you wash your hands meet me back in the living room," With that he walked off I don't even know what to think or say.

Going into the bathroom to start washing my hands I look at my reflection I just cant help, but think if I had done something wrong this week. So far I have nothing maybe I should just go down there, but I don't want to go and it's something I don't want to hear.

Drying my hands and making my way to the living room I see Daddy with his hand covering his face. I didn't really know what to do so I just clear my throat and make my presence known. As soon as he hears me he rubs his eyes and looks at me and signals for me to sit next to him on the sofa. Doing as told I take the time to notice Daddy's face and his eyes are watered and red.

He has yet to say anything he is just staring into my eyes and holding my hand.

"Why you crying what's wrong?" I say wiping the stray tear that feel down his cheek. This has to be more serious than I thought.

"I'm so sorry for what happened I just wish that I could get to you and he-"

"Daddy its okay, we are both here and healthy it is okay I promise no more apologies."

Sitting on his lap and embracing him and we just sit there for a bit in silence enjoying each others company eventually I hear light snores and I know that Daddy has definitely worn himself out and it was defiantly something that had been weighing on him and I'm just happy he got it out because some people would think because he's my Daddy its almost as if he doesn't have emotions, but he's human so of course he does. Not sure with how long he'd be asleep I decide to make us dinner.

4 hours later

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"Babe you didn't have to cook," Daddy walks in saying as I dish out his plate

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"Babe you didn't have to cook," Daddy walks in saying as I dish out his plate.

"I know, but I wanted to and it's nice to give you a break when can."

"Thank you Riah, I really have the best girlfriend ever," He says kissing my neck making me blush

"Come on Daddy lets eat,"

Dalton's POV

Sitting at the table eating the food my princess made was amazing I had no idea that she could cook like that. Watching how she eats I could tell that she was starting to slip because of the mess being made.

" Would you like some help princess?"

She just looks and nods with a mouth full.

"I'll let you get a pass because your mouth is full."

Feeding her the rest of her plate I let Azzy watch tv for a bit while I wash up then take her upstairs for a bath.

After her bath I put on a diaper just in case of an accident and put cute sky blue pj's on and we cuddle in my bed watching Lilo and Stitch.

I get up to go toilet thinking Azzy is sleeping but I feel her grab my arm.

"Daddy no go,"

"I'll be right back princess I just need to go toilet,"

She has a pout on her face but lets go so I kiss her forehead and go to the bathroom.

When I finish my baby is sitting in the middle of the bed getting back in we cuddle together.

"I love you princess,"

"I wuv yous too Daddy,"

And with that we both we both closed our eyes. 

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any mistakes. Don't forget to vote and comment. Don't be shy to Dm I love see you the messages i get from you guys. 

Khalanni xx

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