13.5 - Research Perks

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Note: The Artificial Wolf Cursing is the only curse to be carried down my lineage. Until the curse is broken, the candid heritage of the Alpha Kings is forever destroyed. For nearly a hundred years now, not one Ivanovich as lived when his son reached the notable age of sixteen.

Either, by their murdered by their sons. Or, their wicked acts performed in the mentality of their Wolf. Their Artificial Wolf whom no control is held over or kept account for.

I desperately close the book, I push it into its red casing, replacing the case exactly in the position that I found it.

"Shit," I murmur, running my hands down the side of my face. I didn't have any logical proof that the last, and worst curse was Romanov's case. But, I did still have my six questions I need to ask from Maya. She must know something of it - and asking will not be a issue due to our 'useful' bet.

I glance up, the darkening sky alarming in to an extent. I hadn't known that I had been so engrossed in the book, that time had passed on so damn quickly without me even noticing it.

I leaned back on the chair, my thoughts drifting back to the contents that I had read.

It was possible, than Romanov had been cursed - by his own father. I pondered further, what the hell could a son have done to deserve such ungrateful curse? I sighed, this was a curse that ran in the family.
So, the insightful possibility of Romanov murdering his father is understandable as I remember Kiev's idle words.

The letter was still scrunched in my jacket pocket. I hadn't forgotten of it, but Kiev had said that she would come to me. And, with getting her just a few hours ago, and accidentally letting it slip that I know of Bridgette, and that had put him discontent on my case.

I still as I sniff the air, an unfamiliar scent gracing my nose, "Woodsy, almost like Keegan's scent. A hint of a cranberry smoker lingered with the smell of a leathery feel."

I frowned, who could be here? At this time, or now.

The heavy groan of the door as it swung open tears me away from my thoughts, and focuses the attention on the slightly open door. A disorientated-looking Keegan bundles through the door, his once neat suit askew, and his chocolate locks in their usual tussle at the brim of his sweaty head.

"What happened?" I frowned, getting up from my position on the chair and walking over to the door, sitting on the floor to lace-up my combats in a frenzy.

He smirked, "Oh, so Miss-I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-About-Anyone, gives a shit about me?" I glare at him, it was true that I felt concern for the looks of him, but who wouldn't? He looked damn constipated and in distress.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, don't tell me, then." I shrug my shoulders, standing to my full height as he rested his hands on his knees, bending over in an attempt to gather as much oxygen for his deprived lungs, as he could.

He stood straighter, "Well, since you're so desperate to know - I will just tell you."

Again, I roll my eyes. But, this time, I keep oddly silent.

"I went looking for Romanov," he began, taking my arm and pulling me towards the door. I stood my ground, and he didn't attempt to pull me as he went on. "So, I had to run the whole perimeter of the compound - twice. I still didn't find him. So, I then decided I would go for a swim, but as I was preparing to enter the pool, Romanov reappeared - and now he's pissed as shit, man. Pissed as fucking shit."

I cross my hands over my chest, "What is Romanov chasing you for, Keegan?"

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "Um, he told me to finish up this task he gave me. And that, I shouldn't dare to leave until I completed the task, Sativa."

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