2 - Soulmates

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2 - Soulmates

Gravity Falls, Nevada
USA - North America
Wendy's Diner (24/7)


A word that I have never failed to hear every minute of my existence on this Earth. Yet, it still fails to have even the slightest meaning to my knowledge.

"Tick, tock," my father would normally laugh, motioning to the old watch that hung loosely onto his wrist. "You are not getting any younger my child, a mate is for the best."

I would reply, "God has a time for everything," rolling my eyes at his playful jab, still knowing the serious meaning that lay monitored.

Years ago, when I was only ten. I used to have a dream, that one day, I would find a man - not a mate, a man. I didn't believe in mates, something that traumatized my mother they day she heard the very words I said.

You see, mates give you power. Your senses become enhanced, your mental ability is commemorated - you are a full Lycanthrope.

I never wanted a mate.

But now, my fingers grubby as I scrub down the dirty tables of the 24/7 diner, thinking about a way to pay my parents' funeral bills, and a place to stay for the night, I cannot help but lean into the prospect of having a mate to rescue me. I am no longer a trusted Lycanthrope in the Pack, for I have killed my parents - a formidable act. I, know the truth, for I didn't kill my parents. But, no one would ever listen to, or believe me.

Twelve thousand dollars, I must pay in compensation, in damage done to the already ruined mental state of my step-sister. Another four thousand for the damages done to the Pack in overall, and a final three-hundred and fifty thousand, for the proper send-off and intricate commemoration ceremony, for my parents.

"Clean up," the old waitress sneered cautiously at me, eyeing me as I pushed my light locks away from my eyes. "And, God help you if you try anything funny."

"Goodnight." I mutter, my lips cracked and tired from smiling at the customers through all the resentment.

"I don't need a useless 'goodnight', from an equally useless murderer."

The tears prickle at my eyes, the harsh words thrown at me from the woman who used to adore me, my easy simple life snatched so brutally away from me in the flash of my eyes. It still hurt, days have turned to months as I remain here in bondage. I am not allowed to leave till my debts have been payed off. It is as good as telling me that I would remain here for the remainder of my life.

My VisaCard was maxed out yesterday afternoon.

Even still, I find it in my heart not to be bitter, or resent them. Because, I am hurting no one but myself in doing that. Better yet, live with the thought of knowing the you were right, and they were wrong.

As easy as it is to say that, I know that I am nothing like that. I kill, I steal and I destroy. I stopped caring a long time ago. Java, the woman that was 'kind' enough to take me in for the past few months had always said, "Emotions are for the weak," and, for a time, I didn't listen. But now, they are the only words that I hear. My kindness and virtue died along with my parents, and the only thing that mattered was uncovering the truth behind the murder. If I didn't, it was likely they would come back for me. Not a selfish act, but simply one of open wisdom.

Through my mind, flashed the words of my father. Yet, even in his faulty age, and strange mind that was accountable for wandering the the corners of the earth for wondrous reason, was still a man full of hope for his daughter, a man full of uncanny wisdom and faith.

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