My eyes were squeezed tight before Jason wrapped his arms around me and leaned down.

I can't believe he even recognized me. Bat Woman didn't and I saw her right before I left for school.

I can't believe he would care enough to hug me.

I can't believe he was even here.

"What happened?" He whispered into my matted wet hair.

I would have answered him. I would have liked to unpack all of this weight on my shoulders and feel light for one second of my miserable life but my tongue was heavy in my mouth and all that came out was sobs.

He didn't push it.


I stood in the shower, warm water slapping my face. I couldn't move much after my adrenaline crash. Pain would have taken me out if Jason hadn't forced me to take a heavy pain killer that made me even more tired. He told me to shower and then he'd fix my injuries.

There was a knock on the shower door.

"You okay? You didn't pass out in the shower right?" Jason asked.

I open my eyes and turn off the faucet.

He took that as a sign I was alive and said. "I put clothes on the counter. Probably took big for you but we'll have to make do.

I climb out of the shower and grab a towel. My arms were still letting out a little bit of blood after Jason had stitched them up. I was stitched up everywhere it felt like. My bullet wound was miraculously clean, my burn on the side would heal after apply salve everyday, ribs heal, broken finger heals, and cut up arms and beaten with a bat heals.

I find the clothes he's left me and pull on the sweatpants and shirt. I cant dry my hair off. Now that the painkillers were slowly wearing off I could actually feel my arms ready to kill me if I move them too much.

My hair was soaking wet and dripping. I open the bathroom door and Jason was sitting on a chair getting medical tape ready. He looked over at me and I swallow my embarrassment.

"I can't dry my hair" I say quietly.

Jason smirked. "Not the worst thing in the world. Come here." He said.

A shiver ran through my body as I walked over and he grabbed a towel. I sat down across from him and he used the towel to roughly dry my hair. When he pulled the towel off my head he almost laughed.

"What?" I ask.

He shrugged and smiled "You just look like how you did the first day Bruce brought you home."

I bite the inside of my cheek and look away. "Right" I mutter.

He frowned and reached for my arm.

I flinch but he stops and frowns at me. "I'm just wrapping it up. Having it open like this is dangerous and weird to look at."

I nod at him as he starts to wrap my arms up individually. Jason than wraps up my entire stomach and there's an awkward silence.

After I told him what happened and how this whole thing went down he got quiet and angry before ordering me to take a shower. Ever since than it's been quiet.

A Hard Time (Batfamily x male oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon