Chapter 5: Surprisingly Sweet Banter

Start from the beginning

In my mind's eye, I saw the tray fall to the ground, spilling tea everywhere and shattering the cups and the tea pot. I saw it clearly, vividly. Heard the sounds of the metal tray clanging and china shattering and felt the change in energy as if it had just happened.

But, when my wits returned to me, I squinted my eyes to find the demon standing in front of me, smiling charmingly and holding the very much not broken tray.

"How did you—?"

"What's Kiddieland Academy?"


I blinked in confusion as the man smiled wider and gestured at the purple t-shirt I wore. His grin made me frown. The demon didn't need to know where I worked. And for some reason he was trying to make himself seem so... normal that it was freakier than seeing him in his true demonic form.

"My lord, my grandfather is waiting..."

In response, the man's eyes flashed a blackish blue that reminded me of the deep ocean before they returned to their normal honeyed amber color.

"Call me Kirroz." Something in the velvet voice made me want to slip off my t-shirt and crawl into bed and never leave, but I forced myself to remain steadfast, blinking but not saying anything, in part because I didn't trust my own voice at the moment. I didn't like the way that voice made me feel precisely because I did like it. Luckily, it was okay that I didn't trust my voice because the demon spoke for me.

"Shall we go see your grandfather then, Lex?"

Before waiting for my reply, the demon pushed past me, carrying the tray in the direction of the sitting room. For several seconds, I simply stared at the space he'd just left before hopping to it and trotting after the demon too quickly and aggravating the deep bruises on my lower back from where I'd hit the wall during the ritual.

"Hey! You can't just run off with that. You'll get me into trouble. I—"

My words died in my throat when I stubbed my toe on the beautifully carved baseboard when rounding a corner. The sound of my whispered, kid-friendly curses led the demon to look over his shoulder and raise his eyebrow inquisitively before flashing me another immaculately arrogant grin.

"Are you typically a troublemaker, Alexandra?" He continued to smile, although when I opened my mouth to speak, he winked like an arrogant ass and hurried out of view.

Something about the smile struck me as familiarly irksome, but I soon forgot where my thoughts had been headed as we entered the sitting area. It was a beautiful room lined on one side by floor-to-ceiling windows, and the far wall was dominated by a large fireplace complete with a roaring fire. My grandfather was sitting on one of the couches I was never allowed to sit on. His acolyte stood behind him, patiently awaiting orders from the shadows.

When my grandfather's eyes landed on the demon carrying the tray, there was a tic in the corner of his gaze, and my cheeks reddened with shame as I imagined what he was thinking. I'd pay for this later, this rudeness. Making our lord's emissary carry the tea was a great offense that my grandfather wouldn't let go. And it would be the demon's fault that I would be punished. Kirroz either didn't notice that look of my grandfather's or he ignored it as he smiled diplomatically and placed the tray on the coffee table between the two couches.

"I found your granddaughter and offered to carry the tray for her. I believe her hand is hurting her." The demon smirked haughtily as he began preparing the cups, picking up the teapot and pouring liquid into the first one.

"Oh, my lord, Alexandra will pour. You needn't—"

"There are only two cups." The demon cut him off sharply before gently placing the teapot back on the tray and looking up to offer my grandfather a smile that, for all it's pretty teeth and PR perfection, seemed downright sinister and predatory. "Surely we needed three cups. One for you. One for myself, and one for your lovely heir."

"Alexandra isn't my heir." My grandfather blurted, placing a hand over his chest when his words only caused the strangely dark look on the demon's face to deepen. "My apologies, my lord. I will gladly ask for another cup. Alexandra?"

The menacing look fell from Kirroz's face, and he smiled once more as he began pouring tea into the second cup. While looking down, he spoke. "I'd like for Alexandra to stay. Send that one."

Since Emilia was the only other one in the room, my grandfather looked at the young woman in askance before nodding. I couldn't recall the last time Emilia had been sent on an errand to serve anyone but my grandfather, and the woman gave me an angry glare as she passed me on her way to the kitchen. Another thing I would pay for. Emilia was a bully, and her revenge would also be the demon's fault...

"Are you going to just stand there, blood letter?"

"What?" I turned back around to find Kirroz delicately patting the couch next to him. "Oh, I'm not sure..."

When I trailed off, the man's face adopted a look that I swore seemed sympathetic. "My apologies. I realize, well, I realize my presence might make you rather uncomfortable, Lex. You're welcome to sit next to your grandfather. Or in that chair right there. In fact, you don't have to join us at all. I'd very much like for you to, though."

And join him I wanted to.

My mind flashed images of the two of us in bed together, naked and content. These imaginings were so strong that they almost felt like memories, but that was absurd. He was an arrogant jerk in the service of evil, but as he sat there, expectantly awaiting my decision, he looked so...sweet.

He looked just like I remembered, which was ridiculous because this was the first time we'd ever met, and part of me had half a mind to turn around and walk right out that door because all of this was simply too much. In fact, I took a half-step towards the door, my mind teetering on indecision.

What did I really want and why did I feel so out of sorts?

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