21. Somber Sunday.

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This is the day I have been longingly expecting since I got to this place. The day when I will finally go back to the city because this place just isn't my vibe. But now that it is here, I don't feel as excited as I am supposed to be.

My mother came in the morning, so she could spend the day with Aunt Nima and the rest of us before we leave.

At breakfast, Axel and Jamie join us. I can't help the butterflies in my tummy when Axel steals a glance at me. I can tell he's trying so hard not to smile as well.

Nima introduces the stranger—who I now know too well.

After breakfast, Aunt Nima and Mom head to the Mini-Mart. They are going to check for something, I don't know what. So, I am stuck with Jamie and Axel in the TV room. Jamie is too wrapped up in the show, he doesn't even notice what's going on between Axel and I.

I feel like crying each time I look at him. Why did he not show himself to me from the start? We might have made the most of our last seven days of Summer.

I want to instantly hate him, but when I think back to how he touched me yesterday, I can't. He left a print there, as well as hickeys everywhere—I was forced to borrow Jamie's pole neck to cover them.

I don't like sharing clothes, but I didn't have a choice.

I still feel frustrated, so I head to my room. The bird is chirping outside, maybe saying goodbye,
I don't know. I just want to hug Axel one last time, and I know I won't be able to do that in front of my family.

Like he's read my mind, Axel comes knocking on my door.

As soon as he walks in, I sweep him into my arms, and I fucking hate that a tear rolls down my cheek. When did I get this soft? How am I this vulnerable to a guy I met in seven days? What is happening to me?

"Hey," Axel mumbles, with a chuckle after, but doesn't let me go. It's as if he knows how much I need this hug.

It feels like it's the last time I am seeing him. The last time we are sharing this. The last time that I am touching him.

"Axel," I mutter and pull away.

"O. M. G, my nerd is crying." He laughs a little before lifting my chin and kissing my lips. Just as passionately as yesterday. But this time, there's something to it; something like resentment. I don't understand. Why is he angry with me?

I pull away, and I'm sure he bites my lip—again.

"We cool?" I crease my eyebrows.

"You can stay. You can start school here, it's not that bad, you know. You don't have to leave." Axel runs his hand through his thick hair impatiently.

Even if we were in a telenovela, this was just too horrible.

Yes, I liked him. Yes, I don't want to leave, but I can't stay here. It's just safe if I visit.

It's too inane. I can't live here.

"You said I should visit next Summer," I speak.

"Yes. But that's too far, I will miss you so much."

I smile. Well, at least this ugly feeling is being reciprocated.

"Look who likes me back." I smile.

Knowing he can't change my mind, he pulls out his phone and asks me to put my number. I do so and give it back to him. I can hear car wheels rolling up the driveway and I know Mom and Aunt Nima are back.

"I'm leaving," I grumble.

Axel nods before kissing me again, gently, really like he's giving himself to me.

We are both too excited. We are moving very, very fast, and I pray that we don't crash.

I grab my bag and leave.


"I missed you," Mom says, reminding me that we are finally on our way back home.

I nod. "Same."


I shake my head. "I'm sorry, just tired."

"You don't seem excited."

"Somber Sunday," I respond and look at the window.

"Dude. I should be the one mad here, not you!" she bursts, and I crease my eyebrows.

Why? Mad with what?


"You know why, Luke!" She flies, her hands in the air.

I track back through my steps, wondering which part made her angry. But I am not guilty. This can only mean one thing. I curse in my head as I tense, refusing to face her.

"She told you." I bite my lip harshly.

"Yes, she did."

"Are you mad at me for liking guys?" I ask, voice too low.

"Don't be silly. I am mad because you didn't tell me. You told Nima."

I can feel my heartbeat again.

"She made it so easy," I defend myself.

"I'm sorry I didn't. But I am the first one to know about your first boyfriend," she demands, and I only nod.

"Yes ma'am, over!"

"Of course, soldier, over and out!"

Aunt Nina is a snitch, after all. However she saved me the trouble.


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