19. Curiosity.

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Don't get me wrong, I am one person who likes to freeze whenever something unexpected happens. No seriously, I freeze, I get to some stupor state, and it's not funny.

But right now, I have no idea how I am not freezing. I have no idea why my hands are in Axel's thick hair. I have no idea why I am tongue wrestling with him. I have no idea why this feels good, and I have no idea why my pants suddenly feel tiny and tight.

But it's happening.

I am kissing my crush—no—he is kissing me. I'm only kissing him back. Trust me, I won't miss the opportunity to devour his lips because I wanted to get stuck into some trance. Hell no.

Axel taste like a pineapple, and a mint on my tongue—strange and addictive, I don't even want to let go. Even as my hands linger in his hair desperately, his are glued to the same spot—grabbing my shirt.

Amidst all this, I remember that we are playing a game, and he is straight. I saw him fuck a girl right in my bed. I am not stupid. This might be a game, but the way he is kissing me says he's not straight.

I finally manage to pull away, and so does he. I almost thought this would not come to an end because now I don't know how to face him. But Axel is not some shy nerd, he's one evil bastard, so he clears his throat.

"That is why they won't accept me, and why they kicked me out."

I take a minute to recollect my thoughts. He's jinxed my brain with his lips.

"They kicked you out because you kissed a guy?"

He chuckles. "No. Because I told them I was bisexual."


That explains the unexplainable energy in the kiss. Like he wanted to suck all the blood from my lips.

I swallow.

"Your turn," he grumbles, and I try to pretend that whatever happened did not happen.

I am fine with the game.

I'm still not stable yet, I can't seem to wrap my head around everything. Why did he not just tell me? Did he have to kiss me? What if I slapped him? Does he know I am gay?

Axel wins again, and it's his turn to fire me with other questions. "So, you gay or Bi?"

"What makes you think I am either?"

"Umh…do you remember the time you needed toothpaste?"

Of course, I remember. I feel embarrassed, but I nod.

"I saw how you looked at me. A straight guy would not have done that," he explains, and I nod. He's right. He has known from the start.


"So which one?"

I pick a card. At this point, this has gotten too disturbing, I don't even know what I am looking for.

"Gay," I mumble in a low voice.

I expect the worst, but axel only nods in a none judgmental way. I am grateful.

"Does Jamie know that you're Bi?" I ask. I think I dropped my winning card, but it doesn't matter now that we are just asking and answering the questions.

"No. It's better if I keep things that way. Does anyone know about you?"

I shake my head. "Only Aunt Nima. So, you're ashamed to come out to your best friend?"

Oh my god, I am such a hypocrite. Tigan does not know about me, not even my mother. Axel is better, he told his parents, and they kicked him out.
I believe there's more to this than what he's telling me, but I don't press any harder.

"Jamie is shallow—no offense. I would rather not ruin our friendship. He's been good to me, I don't want to lose him."

Yep. That I can agree on. My cousin would probably snap or something, and so would Tigan. Axel and I aren't so different after all. We are both trying to preserve our friendships.

I can't help but wonder if my mother would kick me out if I came out to her. I wish she can be chill about it like Aunt Nima was. But there's only one way to find out about her reaction, and that is after I gave it to her. Probably when I go to college or something.

"So," Axel starts, I can see that he is hesitating for a second there. "Do you like me?"

My heart slams against my chest. How dare he ask me something like that? I don't even know how to answer that. I try so hard to muster a straight, none confused face, but it's not happening. And the fact that he keeps staring at me is not helping.

"Can I pass?" I hate how my voice comes out so low.

The bastard smiles and looks away. "I will still need my answer, though. But you still have time to construct an answer."

I nod like the good boy I am.

I pick a card. I do know what is happening anymore, so I drop it.

Axel clears his throat, I am even scared. I don't want him to stay anything.

"Have you ever…had sex? With a guy? Or a girl or whatever?" he asks, I can tell, even he, is uncomfortable with his question.

This is getting too personal.

I shake my head.

"No. Never."

I am fucking embarrassed right now.

Axel doesn't comment on that, he only drops his cards, not caring if I peek at them.

"Can I show you something?" he asks.

All sorts of dangers are the way he says that, but I ignore all that and nod.

I am curious and it's the same curiosity that will murder me.


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