18. Armature.

26 3 0

Three seconds in the game, I'm sweating. I think I made a mistake, I must have thought this through before agreeing like a headless chicken. What if he did something bad to me?

What exactly did he even want to do?

I kept wondering but watched when he dropped a card and picked another from the hidden deck of cards.

I swallow and look back at my cards, I have two Q's, a three and five. If I can only find the numbers four or two. I'd win. I pick a card, it turns out to be a K, so I throw it on the other bunch. My mind drifts back to all the things I will do to him if I win.

I try to think of other more fun things I can do with a straight guy, but it all rounds back to me laying my lips on his.

This is sick.

I shouldn't be thinking about Axel like this. He will probably be mad at me if he knew that, even as we sit here, all I can think about is his full lips just a few centimeters from mine.

"So," I start, picking another card. Just as useless, it's an A. "Are there any restrictions to what one can do to the loser?"

"What do you mean?" Axel asks, cocking an eyebrow.

I look down at my cards—I need destruction. "Like rules or something."

He smirks, and I know immediately his cocky side has returned. Maybe I missed it, maybe I did not. Either way, it is back and this will be hell.

"No rules, if you want me to dance, I will." He laughs at his instance, and so do I. He picks a card and mumbles something under his breath. I try to stretch my neck and see his cards, but he catches me.

"Cheating is not allowed, Smarty-pants," he says, and I roll my eyes. He perks up at me with a smirk. "Your turn."

I pick a card, and it turns out to be a number two. I smile, wider than I ever have before. Now I have two Q's, a two and a three. With just as much pride, I drop my cards on the carpet, so he can see that I have, in fact, fucking won.

Axel grimaces, but nods. "Go ahead."

"I um…don't know what I would like to do yet, so I will ask you a question," I mumble as I watch him shuffle the cards again.


"Why are you staying here? And what happened to your parents, why don't you seem sad that they passed?" I flock him with the questions.

He blinks, looking up at me with something close to shock.

I fear I have overstepped. I want to apologize right away, but he speaks, "Too many questions."

He starts giving out cards for the second round.

"Will you answer them?"

I'm not sure if I would like to know, but I have already asked.

"Start," he instructs, and I pick a card. This time, I have an A, a seven, and K. "I was staying here because my parents kicked me out. Your Aunt was nice enough to let me stay. I don't see a reason to cry over people who didn't really…accept you."

I swallow. My mind runs back to a few days ago when I asked Aunt Nima to kick him out as well. Where did he go?


Short of words, I pick another card, but it doesn't match with any, so I nod for Axel to play.

"I'm sorry about that," I mumble, feeling guilty as fuck. "But what do you mean they didn't care about you?"

Axel shakes his head. "It's one question per win, keep that one for the next time you win…which is not soon because I win." He drops his card and I can see two's, a seven, and eight.

I smile at how happy he seems to have won. I bet he has been waiting long enough for this. But then anxiety starts streaming through my veins. What will he make me do?

He sure doesn't like me and would do anything to make me a laughing stock.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" he asks, direct to the point I did not think he'd touch.

Relieved, I shake my head no. "We broke up this summer—over a text." I chuckle and expect him to laugh even harder, but he doesn't.

He nods and reshuffles the card.
We play in suspenseful silence, each one of us wondering who will win next. I am even saying a little prayer that I win.

"Mmh," Axel mumbles, biting into his lip and furrowing his eyebrows. He would not make that face if he won, do I move on to pick another card?

This time, I am lucky, I have two threes and a fat J. I only need a fucking K then I am the champion. It still matters that I won first, that means I am topping the charts. See, competitive prick.

I nibble my lip and pick another card, shaking my head. "I don't want to brag, but I feel like I am playing with an armature," I blurt out.

Axel rolls his eyes. He knows I have won, and he patiently awaits my punishment for him.

"What did you mean when you said they didn't accept you?" I ask.

Axel shakes his head. "Can I pass?"


"Fine," he mutters and stares at me for a moment. This moment he is looking into my ears intently, and the next his hand is grabbing my shirt, pulling me to him.

And then he places his lips on mine.


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