I led the way into the foyer while Blaise walked behind me slowly, taking in the view of the place. "Draco told me about it here. You been here before?" I shook my head and tossed my jacket off to the side.

"No, we uh-" I started as I kicked my shoes off by the door, "we went on few vacations together, but it was always just me, him, and-" I let out a sigh and stopped in my tracks, "my parents." My voice came out in a soft whisper.

Summer- 1994

"I love the beach." Draco sighed as he laid back on the pink towel I had laid out for us along the sand. "Don't you?" He questioned, putting his hands behind his head and making himself more comfortable.

My smile must have been a little too cheeky and quite obvious as his own took over his face.

"What?" He chuckled, looking up at me as I towered over him. I shook my head breathlessly before I threw myself down on my knees next to him.

"You're just handsome." I whispered, barely able to control my nerves as I looked at his slim figure. Young love is so pure, it convinces you it is the real deal.

But in our case, it would be.

One day.

I just didn't know it at the time. And he didn't either as he continued to long after those girls we would soon see again at school.

"Sunshine, you're making me blush." He winked, his confidence overpowering the little that I had in the moment.

"Can you do it again?" I whispered, biting my lip nervously. He quirked a brow before he leaned forward and grabbed my wrist carefully— pulling me down onto the towel with him so slowly.

"Do what?" He asked quietly, his brows knitted together while he traced his finger across my temple.

"What you did in the meadow last week. When we were watching the stars." I whispered, avoiding his eyes and looking down at his bare chest.

His swimsuit hung low on his hips, loosened from the hours of fun we had in the sun all afternoon. I watched as a few drops of water raced down his skin, feeling them do the same on my back as they dripped from my wet hair.

"Do you want me to kiss you, Emmy?" He whispered, picking my chin up so I'd have to look him in the eyes. My heart rate increased instantly, making it hard to breath.

I had barely nodded my head before he flashed me his bright smile.

"I love you, Prince Charming." He chuckled, making my cheeks burn even more. "You are easily my greatest joy. Don't ever forget that. What I would do to see these cheeks blush every day of my existence." He teased, pinching my soft skin between his finger and thumb.

Why had it never felt this way before? Why did one kiss change everything for me? I'd never look at him the same way. I'd never love him less than I do now.

"Come here, love." He whispered, caressing my cheek in the palm of his hand. He leaned forward slightly and barely brushed his lips against mine. "I mean it, y'know." He whispered, still lingering just a millimeter from a real kiss.

"Mean what?" I question, my fingers tracing over his hard abdomen and making their way across his warm skin. He shuddered from my touch for a moment, making a soft chuckle escape his soft lips.

"I love you." He told me. My heart could have collapsed right then and there.

"I love you, Drake."

"I know you do. My girl." He mumbled, finally connecting our lips together and making all of the nervous butterflies in my tummy flutter and soar. "I'll do this forever." He whispered before his lips found mine again with more desire.

"I like it when you do." I told him, and I could feel his smile while his hand snaked around my back and drew patterns on my damp skin.

"Then I'll do it more often."

I pulled out a seat at the kitchen table and started to pour myself some tea. Blaise slung his suit jacket over the backrest before he joined me in the next seat over.

"I never really liked tea— strange, I know. Draco has tried a number of things to get me to drink it. Honey, sugar, different flavors, nothing just ever appealed to me." I shrugged, stirring the milk in to give it a creamier taste. Blaise just chuckled as he watched me.

"Is Narcissa here?" He asked, his voice giving me a strange vibe that something was wrong. My brows knitted together as I looked at him, but I wasn't sure what he was looking for.

"Yeah. Just give me a second." I said lowly, standing from the table and walking towards the doorframe. "Cissy! Blaise is here!" I shouted before I turned back and walked over to the table.

It didn't take long before she was in the room with us, kissing the top of his head and bombarding him with a million questions that he gave short answers to.

"Actually, I came to give you both an invitation." He finally admitted, a gentle smile on his lips. "To a ball. At Prince Manor. A celebration." He said reluctantly, but I could feel my face shift and my heart rate take a leap.

"You mean, I can see Draco?" I whispered, fiddling with my fingers under the table. Blaise nodded once before his gaze looked out the window where soft raindrops hit the glass.

"Emelia, I came to tell you something before it hits the Daily Prophet." Blaise choked out, his chocolate eyes never looking at me, and making me realize that this isn't any sort of news I wanted to hear.

"What is it?" I quizzed him.

Really, how much worse could things get? My mother is dead. I'm 99% sure that my boyfriend will never love me again and I'm stuck trying to fix his emotional traumas for the rest of our lives because I can never leave him. What's one more piece of bad news?

"Harry Potter is dead." Blaise said shortly, and I was wrong. I was so wrong.

Things could get worse.

You always think you'd react differently to certain situations. I didn't think it would hurt so bad if something ever happened to Harold— "that's not even my real name. It's just Harry." (his words as I called him the name numerous times)—Potter.

He was my real friend. And I know that I'm meant to be with Draco, and that he is supposed to be the love of my life, but I'd be a bloody liar if I said I had never had feelings for the dark haired boy that used to send me flowers and compliment me on my worst days. The only person to walk out of the cemetery with me alive as we watched Cedric die. The boy who had lived.

It's not true. I don't believe it.

"What?" I whispered, my eyes staying locked on the table and my hands shaking against the cold surface. Honestly, my entire body was trembling as my sorrows finally started to slowly swallow me.

"Voldemort found him in the night. Harry didn't make it. I remember Draco getting jealous a few years back because you were friends with him, or Potter liked you, I don't really remember. But I figured you would want to know."

That was the last straw as I pushed myself away from the table and fled the room. Tears flowing down my cheeks and my heart sinking lower and lower into my stomach. But my leaving wasn't quick enough for me to not hear Blaise finish the conversation off with Narcissa.

"Warn her that she should be careful at the ball. I think her Draco's gone. Truly."

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now