"GULF. What are you talking about?" Mew was shocked.

"My mother said that bub was a nuisance. She said it would be so much better if bub was dead." Gulf said sadly.

"Why would she say that? She's a freaking stupid woman. Don't listen to her ever again."

"Bub was really lonely. Then bub met you and you loved bub so it felt good. Now you don't love bub either. Earlier I used to make pretty lines on my wrist but I stopped when I met you."

"Pretty lines? What do you mean by that?"

Gulf pushed back his sleeves and there were faint white lines on the inner side of his wrist. Mew grasped his hand immediately and gently caressed the almost faded scars. He placed soft kisses on them one by one.

"Are they pretty?" Gulf asked.

"You are. You are unbelievably pretty, Gulf. What should I do? I keep falling for you."

Gulf smiled, "So you love bub again?"

"I don't think I ever stopped. Bun is too cute to be angry at."

"Bub is very cute. I know."

"Ooh, is my bun getting arrogant, huh?"

"Yes, as long as Mewie loves bub, it's all okay." Gulf replied adorably.

Mew sighed, "Is it? What if bub never falls in love with Mew?"

"Bub does. Bub loves Mewie."

"Maybe bub does but what about Gulf? Will he ever fall for me?"

Gulf scrunched his nose in confusion, "Is bub soft?" He asked out of blue.


"Bub bought so many things to make my skin soft. Is it soft?" Gulf grasped Mew's hand and put it on his cheeks.

Mew caressed his cheeks, "Yes, it is." And then pinched them.

"Owww." Gulf pouted. "You're trying to take bub's cheeks? Bub won't give you."

"Aww, but my bub is so soft. Come here." Mew tackled Gulf on the bed and hugged him tightly, squishing his cheeks.

Next morning, Gulf woke up with a headache. He tried to get up but Mew was hugging him too tightly. His anger and disappointment returned as he recalled what had happened yesterday. He kicked Mew out of bed as he got up to shower.

"Owww, Gulf. Why the hell did you do that?" Mew screamed in pain.

After showering, Gulf started packing his stuff. Mew came out of shower later to see Gulf packing many bags.

"What are you doing?"

"..... "


"..... "

"I'm asking you something."

"I'm leaving."

"To where?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is. I should know where my husband is going."

"Woah, so now I'm your husband? You didn't remember you had a husband when you were having fun with your boyfriend." Gulf replied icily.

Mew was taken aback at such response, "I broke up with Tine."

"So? Should I be grateful? And to be clear he dumped you because you deceived him."


"Had he not done that you would still be with him. You've absolutely no conscience whatsoever. You cheated on me like it was no big deal and fooled your own boyfriend."

"Why are you bringing it up now? You knew from the beginning that I had a boyfriend."

"Yes, I did. I never said anything about your affair but you suddenly think you've any right to call me a whore. Whether I'm sleeping around or not is none of your business."

"Gulf, that's a different matter."

"You think you can do whatever you want and I'm just supposed to follow along like a puppy. You continued your relationship even after our marriage and when that ended you came back here expecting our relationship to work. I don't think it will. Of course, I can't divorce you but that doesn't mean I'll form any sort of relationship with you."

"Why? Why can't we have any sort of relationship between us? We are married and we like each ot-"

"Let me stop you right there Mr.
Suppasit, I do not like you in any way. I felt comfortable around you after I told you about my disorder because you treated me kindly. All I felt towards you was gratitude. Don't mistake it for anything else."

"Why the hell are you angry with me? I should be the one getting angry here."


"Because you cheated on me."

"I did? I don't remember." Gulf replied sassily.

"Gulf, tell me the truth."

"What truth? You've already decided what is truth. You aren't here to ask me what happened. You're here to accuse me of what you think happened. I'm not your doormat, Mew."

"Doormat? When did I ever treat you like that?"

"I don't wanna talk to you anymore." Gulf went to his room and locked his door.

Love That's Ugly (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now