The Yandere Strikes Back

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They actually did it

The League of Villians sat in their new base confused on how they made it out.

Izuku: "I'm gonna get some food."

Tomura: "Okay."

Dabi: "We almost died."

Tomura: "Yeah."

Izuku walks out the new base and walks down the street. Looking around his eyes are covered once again, and his blood runs cold.

????: "Guess who~!"

Izuku: "M-Momo?!"

????: "Guess again Midori!"

Izuku: "Mina?!"

Mina: "Finally! How're you doing Midori?"

Izuku: "I thought Momo killed you."

Mina: "I thought I was gonna die too! When I woke up at the mansion, you left and Yaoyorozu stood over me with a rope."

Izuku: "Holy shit that's scary!"

Mina: "Hey Midori, wanna come over at my house for a while?"

Izuku: "Sure. Wouldn't hurt anyone."

As they begin walking, a jealous ravenet covered in blood with a knife watched the two leave.

Momo: "Oh Mina. All you had to do was stay away. Now you have to go bye-bye."

Mina's House

Izuku sat on the couch as Mina was in her room. Izuku took a sip of his tea and layed down for a while. He closes his eyes and-

Izuku: "When did I get tea?"

Izuku shoots back up and feels his head resting on something large and squishy.

Momo: "Hello Izu. Why are you in this whore's house?"

Izuku slowly turns around and sees Momo with a blank expression, a knife and black eyes staring at him. His head becomes light, and he looses consciousness, falling and breaking Mina's table in the process.

Mina: "Yo Midori! Is everything okay?"

As Mina comes down the stairs, Momo cuts her throat and watches her bleed to death. She giggles seeing Mina struggle for help before breaking into full psychotic laughter when she dies. When she finishes, she takes Izuku to an unknown location.

Hours Later

Izuku awakens on a bed, unable to move. He starts to panic, until Momo starts speaking to him.

Momo: "Izu. Sweetie. Why were you with a girl who wasn't me?"

Izuku: "I-I-I wasn't planning on doing anything you think!"

Momo: "You expect me to believe that?"

Izuku: "I-I-I-I-I-I-I wasn't lying! N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Nothing was happening!"

Momo starts humming as she approaches him with the knife. As she gets closer, Izuku closes his eyes as she puts the knife to the side of his neck. He then fells the grip on his body loosen as Momo cut his ropes and starts giggling.

Momo: "I know you weren't doing anything! I just had to make sure!"

Izuku: "T-T-T-Thank you! I'm s-s-s-s-sorry you that something else was happening!"

Momo: "Oh silly Izu! I knew you'd never betray me!"

Izuku: "U-U-Ummmmm.....w-w-w-what did your parents say about the b-b-b-b-blessing?"

Hours Ago

Momo: "Father, mother. I have something important to ask you."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "We do as well. You can go first."

Momo: "Thank you. Me and my friend Izuku Midoriya....are lovers!"

Mr/Mrs. Yaoyorozu: "What?"

Momo: "I love him! I want nothing but to be beside for the rest of our days! I came here to ask for your approval for me to marry him!"

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Absolutely not! We have already arranged for you too marry Shoto Todoroki, and nothing will come between that!"

Momo: "What?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Shoto is a nice boy with a strong quirk. You'll be happy with a powerful boy intead of a quirkless low-li-"

Momo stabs him in the eye, causing him to fall down screaming. Before her mother could react, Momo stabs her multiple times in the chest. She makes her way back to her father with a dark aura around her. She starts growling and screaming as she stomps his head multiple times. Five minutes later, she finally stops, and sees the headless body twitch. She laughs at the twitching and walks out of the mansion, casually setting the place on fire. As she walks down the street covered in blood, she notices Mina putting her hands over Izuku's eyes, and notices him stiffen up.

Momo: "Are you...scaring MY Izu!?"

She watches as Mina grabs him arm and takes him to her house. Momo sighs and brings out her knife.

Momo: "Oh Mina. All you had to do was stay away. Now you have to go bye-bye."


Momo: "They disapproved of it, so I made them go bye-bye."

Izuku: "Go...bye-bye?"

Momo: "Yes. Ashido too. I saw you get scared when she made her presence known to you, and her drag you to her house. I couldn't sit around and watch that bitch take my husband away!"

Izuku: 'Okay, that's pretty sweet excluding the murder. I think.'

Momo: "I love you Izuku Midoriya! I'll never let anything separate us again! I'll turn your life into something amazing!"

Izuku: "M-M-M-Momo...."

Momo: "Yes?"

Izuku: 'I'm scared of you! Wait, I can't say that too her! She'll kill me if I say the wrong thing!'

Izuku: "I-I-I-I-I-I love you too!"

Momo's eyes opened the widest they've ever been as she hugs and kisses Izuku. After ten minutes, she let's him breathe.

Momo: "How do you feel?"

Izuku: "I feel like my life is an anime."

Momo: "Oh silly Izu! Your life isn't an anime!"

Izuku: "I know I was just joking arou-"

Momo: "It's more of a hentai."

Izuku: "W-W-W-W-What?"

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