Chapter Nine

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Still wary (but overall, relieved for the chance to finally relax), I trailed after him. Yuri led me back into the changing room silently, which I can confidently say is the most nerve wracking thing I've ever experienced. It's quite unsettling when Yuri doesn't say what's on his mind, which is something I learned firsthand that day. I seriously wondered if he was going to take me back there and murder me with an axe; His expression certainly would've matched such a heinous act.

"Here," He called, aiming something at me. "Think fast."

In the realization that something was flying straight at my face, I let out a pathetic squeal, convinced for a split second that he really was trying to kill me. Comedic and terrifying situations filled my head, thoughts of Yuri screaming at me in his angry Russian accent: "This is for you being so shit at skating!" Then reality caught up with me, and I confirmed that the small object that I'd narrowly dodged was not, in fact, an axe, but an Arrowhead water bottle.

Bashfully, I snatched the cold plastic bottle up from the ground and glanced up at Yuri. He must've heard that embarrassing attempt of mine, but I assumed he must've been preoccupied with something else. For once, he didn't laugh at my failure.

"Drink the whole thing," He commanded, turning to face me. "You look like you could use it."

Um... thanks?

I studied Yuri quizzically for a moment, but he just stared back, arms crossed. Warily, I uncapped the bottle and took a swig.

"You know," He began, leaving me defenseless against his words as I sat there with a mouthful of water. "I'm not some sort of idiot, so you might as well stop trying to hide your exhaustion."

I almost drowned.

"What?" I spluttered, wiping the excess water from my chin. "I'm not... exhausted, I'm just tired."

Yuri cringed.

"I hate to say this, but that workout I had you doing really wasn't that intense. Even you should've been able to do it, no problem," He stated, the proof of my incompetence cutting through me like a dagger.

I tried to say something in my defense, but Yuri cut me off.

"Look," He said, leaning in a little too close for comfort. "Your career isn't anything for me to be concerned about, okay? I couldn't care less if you get discouraged and quit."

Gee, thanks... I thought, timidly averting my eyes. You have such a way with words.

"But," He continued. "If I'm going to be stuck teaching you, then you need to be in shape for class, which means you can't be overworking yourself like this."

"I-I'm not overworking myself!" I protested weakly, already losing this argument.

"Yes you are," He said, matter-of-factly, as if he could see right through me. "I know what that looks like, okay? You were actually shaking when we weren't even halfway through the lesson. In fact, you still are, if you hadn't noticed."

Shocked, I looked down and squeaked when I saw that I was, in fact, still visibly trembling. I tried to make it stop, but the attempt failed. Instead, I self-consciously pulled my arms tight against my body as if bundling up would make the shivering subside.

"All I'm saying is that trying to hide that sort of thing isn't going to work on me," He lectured, giving me a look that was stern, but for once not unfriendly. "I used to do that sort of thing too, all the time. And I'd show up to lessons shaking and exhausted, just like you."

What's this? I pondered, peering closely at Yuri as he spoke. A bit of vulnerability? From Yuri??

"You just don't want to know what happens when you push yourself too hard for too long," He explained. "You may think you can just power through, but eventually it'll take a toll on you."

Change of Heart - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon