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In the golden walls of the Judgement Hall, a very important battle for the destiny of the Underground, and even of the universe, was taking place.

The laziest and weakest monster of the Underground, Sans, contrary to any chance, was giving his all in order to stop the human, or as he had called it, 'the anomaly'.

"That expression... well, let's just get to the point"

He knew it was impossible to kill by normal means, but he at least expected to make it gave up on trying, and if at last he couldn't make it, well... he hadn't anything to lose, had he?

The barrages of bones, the sound of Sans's blasters and the desperation of the anomaly, who couldn't land a single hit, could be heard all over the place.

However, Sans was not used to be that active, and sooner than later, exhaustion reached him. This is when he remembered a little trick he planned to use since the beginning, at least it would be giving him a bit extra time.

"That being said, you really like swinging that thing around, uh?" He said, even snorting some kind of laugh, but quickly he started speaking more seriously, "Listen, I know you didn't answer me before, but somewhere in there, I can feel it, there's a glimmer of a good person inside you, the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing, someone who, in another time, might have even been... a friend?" He struggled to manage to say that last word.

To be honest, he wasn't really buying all that, he might could have some feels of that, but after everything the anomaly had done to this point? Hell no.

Surprisingly, his monologue seemed to actually affect the human, so, he kept going on it, "C'mon, buddy, do you remember me? Please, if you're listening, let's forget all this, ok? Just lay down your weapon and well... my job will be a lot easier"

The anomaly at this point seemed to be very conflicted, Sans could hear it, muttering some words, like, if it was struggling against something? Even with Sans's incredible perception, not even he could be sure what was going on in its head.

After five minutes of seeing the anomaly struggling with something, it finally seemed to get a moment of clarity, it raised it's knife and...

It threw it.

It threw it far away, not even passing close to the skeleton. The human stood there, their red eyes, making contact with the monster's, and for once, he could feel some genuine, no murderous intention.

"You're sparing me?" Sans said, actually impressed, he saw the human nodding their head, "Finally" He sighed, "Buddy, pal, I know how hard it must be to make that choice, to go back on everything you've worked up to," This time, he wasn't lying, "I want you to know, I won't let it go to waste"

He wide opened his arms, "C'mere, pal" He couldn't help the urge of winking.

The human quickly approached Sans, also opening their arms, and just when they were a few steps away...

A ton of bones crossed their body, ending with their life instantly.

"Geeettttttt dunked on!" Sans couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud, "If you still can hear me, listen, if we're really friends, you won't come back, right?"

He still snickered, it was hilarious to see that trick working, but he soon got lost in thought. In reality, he wasn't really expecting that plan was going to work, the anomaly would just 'load' and try again, maybe even more pissed than before. Man, he really wished he could see its expression after that.

Finally, Sans just kept standing, just waiting for this timeline to be erased, hoping his 'another him' would get the chance to stop it, so he waited...

And waited...

And waited...


After what he felt as almost an hour, a lot of questions started plaguing the skeleton's mind.

Why was the timeline still existing?

Why the load has been taking so long?

Why the anomaly wasn't doing it?

It just... gave up?

He wasn't sure what to do next, actually, even with all the planning of the battle, he didn't really plan out what he would do if he actually won.

After contemplating his possibilities, he decided on one thing, the most reasonable option, he thought.

He approached the corpse and activated his blue magic, imbuing it all over the body, and he could feel it, the human's soul, still present.

"This is completely nuts" He muttered, and started forcing the soul out, he wasn't sure if that would work, biology wasn't exactly his field, but he certainly knew that if he could pull it out, he could...

Nah, there's no case on that, he already gave up on that thought.

He could feel the soul starting to pop out, so he boosted his magic, he continued to do so and...

Here it was, a small heart-shaped figure floating on the air, shining blue on Sans's grasp.

It was time to pay a visit to the king.

A/N: Kind of a short story i thought on while writing another bigger one, i got the inspiration and decided to write this thing.

Please note that english is not my main language (I tried to make this as clean as possible though) and that this is my first story published here, with no much of previous experience.

That being said, i deeply look forward to criticism! Just try to not be too harsh on it lol.

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