|| Celebrating Nothing ||

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The whole saying hi thing must be getting annoying to you guys...(o_o) So anyways! I will update this chapter once I make some hot water and honey because that tastes amazing and I currently don't feel well so I'll be right back...


|| Chapter Three ||

|| Kathena pov... ||

I shoot up gasping and panting for breath. "Mistress?" Jesse questions, worry lacing his voice. I run a hand through my hair and push my soaked-with-sweat blankets off me.

"I'll get you some tea." Then Jesse crawls out of my bedroom. I nod although he's gone and rest my head in my hands. Last night was probably the scarest nightmare I have ever had. It was so real.

It was terrifying in so many ways.

"What time is it?" I ask, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Six in the morning." Jesse answers.

I watch quietly as Jesse uses his silk thread to bring a cup down from the cupboard safely. He climbs to the pantry and pulls out a tea bag. Jesse puts it in the cup and uses his silk again to pull the handle of the kettle, pouring hot water into the cup. Climbing to the fridge, he creates a bridge out of his silk once more to bring the milk jug across and pour it in the cup.

"Here you go Mistress." Jesse nudges the cup to me and I pick it up. "Thank you Jesse." I sip at it and watched as Jesse cleans it up.

"Hey Jesse." He closes the fridge. "Yes Mistress?" He answers climbing to his spot in the corner.

"Are you a ninja spider?"

Jesse stops crawling. "A ninja spider?" He repeats. "Ya. You know a spider that has incredible abilities that no other spider has." I explain before Jesse disappears from my sight.

"You mean like this?" I look down on the counter to see Jesse right in front of me. "W-what!?" I choke on my tea. "There are a lot of things you have yet to learn about me Mistress. Now hurry. You have your test today at the Academy."

I down the rest of my tea and walk into my bedroom heading to my closet. I put on a dark blue crop top with black buckles on the right and matching loose capris. Pulling on my black shinobi shoes, I put my hair in a tight ponytail.

"Are you ready Mistress?" Jesse asks appearing beside me. "One second." I clip my necklace on that was once my mothers' and smile. "Wish me luck."


Iruka Sensei wanted us to spar before we did our test for our headband. Iruka Sensei chose myself and a girl whom I know is a Sasuke fan, to spar against each other. "I'll beat you Kathena." She growled and I sighed.

Bo, I believe her name is, charges at me as soon as Iruka Sensei gave the okay to begin. She hads a kunai in hand, but isn't holding it properly. I narrow my eyes in focus and spin on my left leg as Bo comes close to me. My right heel hits her.

"Kathena!" Iruka Sensei screams rushing over to the girl. I ddin't mean to do it with anger or anything. Wasn't the whole point to spar?

"Kathena! How could you do such a thing!?" A female screams. I shrug a shoulder acting like I don't care. Truth is, half my mind is worried, the other half actually doesn't care.

"Kim don't!"

Something went off inside me. My sight blurs and I didn't feel myself move until I hear the sound of a muffled scream. When my vision returns, I was sitting on top of Kim, whose face was in dirt.

"Kathena! Hokage's office!"



I sat silently in Lord Hokage's office. He said he was getting something for me so I was waiting patiently. I'm quite a patient person which I get from my parents. I just hope I'm not in trouble. And technically it wasn't my fault. I didn't mean to hit her hard and I can't really explain what happened with that girl named Kim.

The sound of footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts. Lord Hokage closed the door behind him and walked over behind his desk, holding two boxes. They were covered with dust which probably meant they were old. So old, I sneezed as he walked by.

"Kathena. Did you get in trouble again?" Lord Hokage asked, lacing his fingers together. "Yes Lord Hokage." I grumbled, my eyes shifting to the super old books on his desk. "What did you do this time?" He asked, with amusement in his voice. "I didn't do anything. Well, on purpose. I accidentally kicked her into the Academy building." I explained, forgetting the books. "And?" Sighing, I explained further.

Afterwards, we had a conversation school and how I was coping. Our conversation went into life at home, how Jesse was doing, and if I was alright with the money issues meaning buying and providing. I told him I did small missions in the village like walk a dog or watch after kids while parents are out for the night.

"That's good to hear Kathena." Lord Hokage said with a genuine smile. I returned it before pointing to the books. "Whats that?" The Third chuckled. "Always the curious one." I slightly blushed. Jesse used to call me Curious George all the time.

"Kathena." Lord Hokage's sounded serious so I snapped out of my thoughts and put on a game face. "What do you know about your clan?"

Besides the fact that they abandoned me?

"Not much." I answered, not repeating the voice in my head. "Well, these books contain everything you need to know about you clan and branches from them."

My gaze shifted to the books that could hold everything I need to about my clan. Maybe I can learn why they abandoned me. My eyes returned back to Lord Hokage. "Thank you Lord Hokage." He smiled and pushed the books to me. "One of them has a lock on it. I'm sure you'll figure out how to open it in time." I nodded and took the books before leaving with a bow.


I had to drop off the books at home before sprinting back to the Academy. When I returned, my name was being called. How lucky I am.

"Kathena." Iruka Sensei said sternly as I walked into the room. I nodded once and stood in the middle of the room. "You may begin." Some other ninja that I don't know said with a nod. With determination, I created two perfect shadow illusions.

"Nicely done." The ninja I don't know praised and handed me a blue headband. I smiled slightly and took it, before walking out of the room.

I felt everyone's stares as I walked into the classroom to get my stuff.


I looked over to Naruto who was sitting-well standing-at his desk, waving like a manic. I waved back with a closed eye smile and grabbed my bag before jumping out the window and headed home.


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