Chapter 8: Late Night Talks

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~Dabria Esmeray Marciano

I kept walking in the darkness knowing all too very well where it led, the room behind those dull and dark hallways. The room where it all started.

" DAD NO" I flinched as I heard a girl screaming and crying my hands felt cold as beads of sweat formed on the back of my neck.

" AHHH....ple-please..le-let me go... please" another scream but it was much more deep...belonging to a guy I knew very well. making me screw my eyes shut.

The voice was so familiar; it was so hard to not recognise it.

Something in my stomach dropped as the black metal door came in my view, with all the darkness around me it still stood out.

The voices got louder, their cries, their screams to help, their tears of pain and suffering.

" DAD PLE-PLEASE LET HIM GO....I SWEAR..I WON-" the voice stopped with a loud thud I took a step back in reflex watching the black door in horror.

'go inside' a voice whispered in my ear, snapping my head behind all I saw was darkness, I gulped feeling hot tears burning my eyes. Raising my shaky hands I reached the door knob.

I knew what was held behind those doors, my worst nightmare, my worst mistake, my worst decision.

I closed my eyes exhaling a shaky breath pushing open the door. Reliving the memory i have been running from past five years...


I gasped while sitting up in my bed with shaky hands, my hair damped in sweat the rapid thumping sound in chest. Looking down at my hands I cupped my face feeling my cool hands over my sweaty face.

Running a hand through my hair I shifted grasping my phone. Checking the time I got up and changed,

I can't be in here while the demons surround me in this place. It'll be better if I get some fresh air and some coffee.

Catching my car keys I went out closing the door behind me, climbing in my black range rover I drifted off on the main road.

Gazing at my surrounding the rush was heavy as people were returning back- returning back to their families. The sky was dark the stars accompanying the cresent moon.

Couples walking by small towards cafe's and dinners with their lighting decoration attracting people.

I stopped by a small cafe which wasn't having a rush, parking my car in the parking area I jumped out of the car looking at the sigh board that shows. 'OPEN'

I pushed open the door getting inside as the aroma of coffee and brownies filled my senses making my organs jump up and down in joy. Walking inn further I chose to sit in the back booth to avoid any kind of conversation.

Placing my head in my hands I looked down at the table blankly- just staring at it. " Let's get this shit over with....what can I get for you" a deep husky and masculine voice made it's way to my ears- the voice feeling somehow recognisable.

Looking up to glance at the owner of the deep masculine voice I was meet with a pair of emerald orbs and all so familiar face.

" Dabria?" Drystan's voice bounced off the almost empty cafe " drystan" I nodded back looking at him the cheery red apron with white cris-cross underneath a navy blue t-shirt hugging his biceps muscles as his black jeans were wrapped around his thick thighs.
Averting my eyes I looked around taking in my surrounding, the cafe was small but cozy. Six booths on either side with small photo frames with beautiful and abstract paintings hanging of the wall.

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