♡♤MC X Asra - Love Me Instead♤♡

Start from the beginning

"I just want things to go back to the way they used to be," MC said, looking down at their cup of tea.

Like when it was just the two of us together?  Asra thought to himself.

"I just wish we were happy again. I love them so much, it hurts to fight like this."

It hurt Asra to see MC so distraught and unhappy. He wished he could make things better for them, even if it would hurt him in the process.

Weeks pass and MC hasn't spoken to Asra about their issues with S/O.

Maybe things worked out?  He thought. Or maybe, they broke up... No, don't think like that. MC deserves to have love, even if it's not with me. Although, if it had to be anyone but me, it certainly shouldn't be someone as self-absorbed and hot-headed as S/O...

Once again, MC and S/O end up arguing in the shop.

"You should move in with me," S/O began.

"Oh?" MC asked surprised. "You want me to live with you?"

"Yeah, you need to stop living with that magician, you're getting too close and comfy around him."

"Excuse me? That Magician? First of all, they have a name, it's Asra. Second of all, I will live where I feel I want to live, and right now that isn't with you. Third, I am allowed to be close to my friends, and you're not allowed to tell me otherwise!" MC was fuming. How dare they insinuate that they were engaging in anything other than platonic actions with Asra. MC was many things, but certainly no cheater.

"I am your boy/girlfriend/partner! I should come before some magician friend of yours. You know what? I don't care what you think. You're coming to live with me. You're not allowed to see him anymore. Tell him you quit your job, find something else to do, and come home with me now. If you really love me like you say you do, you'll do what I tell you to do."

MC was in tears. Asra, who had been upstairs at the time was furious and came running down the stairs.

He rounded the corner and came up behind MC, putting a comforting hand on their shoulder.

"You have some nerve talking to them like that. MC is nothing but kind and gentle and giving and all you do is walk all over them, take them for granted and bully them around. I think you should leave."

S/O was enraged. They pulled back their arm and readied a punch in retaliation.

Just as he was about to collide with Asra's face, MC stepped forward and raised a magic barrier.

"You know what? I don't love you. I've stopped loving you for a long time. I just convinced myself that I should be able to make things work, but you're intolerable. All you do is talk over me, make my decisions for me, bully me around and I'm sick of being your doormat! You get the hell out of my home and you never say a word to Asra or me again. We are through, S/O."

S/O stood there, absolutely dumbfounded. When they reached out for MC's arm, MC pulled away harshly.

"No way. There's the door." They said with a nod towards the exit.

S/O stormed out of the shop and yanked the door closed behind them.

As the door closed, MC's tears welled up in their eyes again and they spilled out, rolling down their cheeks like a torrent of rain.

Asra said nothing as he pulled MC in for a hug.

After a moment, MC sniffled and pulled back.

"Why didn't it work?" They sobbed. "I tried everything I could to make things work for us but nothing ever changed. Was I not good enough for them?"

"MC, please, don't say such things about yourself. Some people just aren't meant to be together. And you were too good for them. They were toxic and rude and horrid, and all of the things you aren't. They were the ones who took advantage of your kind and caring personality. It had nothing to do with you not being 'good enough', I promise," Asra said.

MC nodded, knowing that what their friend said was true. 

In the coming weeks, it was difficult for MC to come to terms with the loss of their relationship. They didn't miss S/O, but rather, they mourned the time lost to a terribly unhealthy relationship, and they were once again adjusting to single life. They had a lot to think about, and it would take time for their heart to heal. No matter what struggles they faced, however, Asra was with them every step of the way.

Meanwhile, the magician had his own troubles. While he was glad to see S/O out of MC's life, he hated seeing them so sad and troubled over the matter. All he wanted was to hold MC close and never let them go. He never wanted to see MC hurt like that again. 

In fact, what Asra wanted most deeply, was to be MC's partner. HE should be the one to make them smile. HE should be there to love them and spend the rest of his days with them. He would never hurt MC. He could be everything they ever wanted. If only they would love him instead.

Of course, he couldn't just up and ask MC to be his. MC was their own person, and Asra would never try to take advantage of their more fragile state. If MC was to ever love him, he wanted it to be for the right reasons. He wanted their love to be genuine.

A little while passed and MC had found another partner. This one seemed genuinely loving and caring and healthy. They spent a good amount of time together, they could talk and discuss any issues, they shared responsibilities and they resolved any arguments without a fight.

MC was happy. They had everything they could ask for: A wonderful home, the perfect job, a loving partner and the most amazing best friend in the world.

If only Asra could say the same.

As happy as he tried to be for MC, there was always one thought that plagued his mind:

Why can't you love me instead?


Thank you to @goldenguardswives for this request. Hopefully this was what you were after. If it wasn't, I do have an alternate ending in mind where MC and Asra end up together. If anyone wants to read that, let me know!

Thanks again for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

- Fandoms <3

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