Chapter 19: A Grand Takedown

Start from the beginning

For some reason I desperately wanted this.

I took a deep breath as I resisted the urge, blocking the number before checking the message from Luke.

"Hey! I know you're busy and all but Alyssa won a super huge fight and Sam's taking us out for some drinks and dinner, I know you're not up for the drinks part but I thought dinner might interest you? Just lmk, it'll be tomorrow night and we're meeting up at Alyssa's"

I paused as I looked over the message. It wasn't unlikely that I would get off at 10, but it was also a weekend so maybe that mean more work. 

"Hey Luke, don't wait up for me but I'll text you if I'm free" I didn't receive a message back, which is to be expected as I shoved the phone back down onto the desk.

I needed to hurry, I didn't have time for all this.

With a sigh I turned to the closet, spotting the dress from last night as soon as I opened the door, except I remembered hanging it up, not leaving it on the ground. I groaned as I picked it up, hanging it where it should be.

I took my final pair of clean clothes, hoping silently that Bruce wouldn't mind a hoodie as I changed.

I quickly stopped in the bathroom, getting quite the shock when bare foot met cold tile, sending a shiver up my spine and forcing me to close my eyes slightly.

I took a minute before looking in the mirror. With the way my face was hurting, it wasn't unlikely that I had a bruise, in face, I had to hope that it wasn't too large.

After preparing myself I turned to the mirror. I looked rough, my hair was a mess and the bruise on my cheek was green and blue, spreading from my lips to just below my eyes. And the cut, ugh. It looked rough, very red and irritated and small flakes of dried blood cling to the edges.

I rustled my hair with my hands, trying my best to pat it down, but mainly trying to use it to cover as much of my cheek as possible.

After not succeeding for at least a minute, I relented, moving to the provided tooth brush as I quickly brushed my teeth.

I set down the toothbrush ready to leave but I stopped. Washing my face always made me feel better, and well, I was already late, and this wasn't going to take forever sooo.

I spared a couple seconds, throwing some water onto my face and allowing the cool and smooth liquid to carry away the blood and worry.

I took the small hand towel and pat down my face lightly, paying extra mind to the wound, though it didn't seem to hurt as much.

The magic of a clean face, ey?

With a clean face and a calming feeling, I left the bathroom, quickly placing my shoes on before I left the room, turning down the hall.

It seemed quiet, so maybe I wasn't too late.

This silent hope was crushed as soon as I heard footsteps.


The footsteps were heavy, and were getting closer and closer by the second.

I barely had time to turn before I spotted a man with black and white hair pulling his arm back to punch, his dull green blue eyes full of rage and malice.

I barely dodged before my body went into auto pilot, the danger that the others in the house or myself were in shoving itself to the front of my mind as my hands grabbed the mans arm.

"A WOMAN-" he began but I didn't give him time as I fell into a stance, pulling with all my strength as I pulled him into the air, using myself of leverage to get him higher up and above my body.

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