But Can You Live With Yourself?

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You have chosen to save yourself and escape on your own.

Y/N was done thinking about it; he would save himself, and that would be the end of it. He had been given the chance to escape, and he would take it. Sure, saving the others may be the better option, but it was his choice, and he had ultimately decided that this was what he should do. Without stopping again he ran and said a quick farewell to the Duke, and then opened the door right next to the room. Memories of what had happened the day they'd be captured flooded his mind, and in all honesty, he felt guilty. The other servants had surely been here far longer than he had, but after a few days of being trapped in the castle, he wanted to get out. Additionally, he was leaving his best friends behind, something he couldn't bear to do but knew he had to. What was the alternative? Y/N swiftly ran the same path he did when it was his first time in the castle, but in reverse, as he desperately tried to get out as soon as he could. He mentally chuckled to himself; he was so desperate to get in because of the cold, but it seemed that the secrets this castle had held was far worse than he could have ever imagined. Never. Never would he ever come back. In Y/N's sight was the door that separated him from freedom. His instincts made him try to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Well, at least that confirmed that it was actually locked. Would have been funny if the door to freedom was unlocked the whole time but they had just assumed it was locked. Moving on, he took out the key and put it in the lock, opening the door to salvation. Without hesitating, he opened the door and felt the cold breeze from outside come upon him. Y/N didn't think he'd ever say this but...

"Oh my god... I'm never taking this fresh air for granted ever again! Even if it's cold!" He yelled to himself, and then ran out, his shoes crunching against the snow. Y/N didn't stop, no matter how guilty he felt. The cold violently attacked at him, but he didn't care. Freedom. That was what he had, and he would treasure it forever. His legs and feet didn't stop, and neither did his will to survive. He continued to run down the same path he and the others had gone on to enter the castle. What a foolish choice it was, in the end. Y/N hoped that they'd survive, and the more he thought about it, the less guilty he felt, as he didn't even know where to go. For all he knew, he could just die to the cold before even getting out of the village. The Duke even mentioned that more people than Y/N thought knew about him, which meant that there were probably more psychos like Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters around. Y/N went through the cave, and eventually got back outside, running even faster as the cold breeze continued to attack him. He entered the village, going through it with impressive speed, until he started to run uphill and reached the cliff giving him a full view of the village and the castle. "Well... I came here with three other people," He said to himself. "And now I'm leaving on my own. It's what's best. I wouldn't want them to die of the cold... I'll get help, I promise... We'll meet again, guys!" He had yelled the last part, and had a strange feeling that perhaps, the others did hear what he had said. After waving goodbye on the cliff, and turning around, he walked away, following as much as his memory told him about the way to safety. 

{Good Ending.}?

End of Book. 

Congratulations, you've earned the good ending. But can you live with yourself?Just to clear up some things, this is not the end of Y/N's story in this universe. He'll return eventually, and when he does... Let's just say he won't be the same :) I hope you enjoyed the book. Please have a great day!

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