His Special Blood.

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Pain. That was one word which could summarise all that Y/N felt the moment his eyes opened, and the now familiar room came into sight. His bandaged injuries cried out, and the rest of his body was mainly just aching from all the work he did. Y/N reckoned that he could get past the aching, but the pain he felt from the injuries would greatly delay the amount of work he could do. He wished that he could just lie down in bed and not do anything the whole day, but Y/N knew deep down that this was his life now – there was no escaping it... He reluctantly got up, checked that his uniform was all in shape, and opened the door. The moment he opened it, three figures came into view; Zion, Walker and Wyatt. 

"Were you guys just waiting here?" Y/N questioned, wondering why they didn't just wait for him to wake up in their room.

"Mhm, but no need to worry. We aren't late." Zion responded. 

"So, uh... What happened last night, anyways?" Wyatt asked, while Walker stepped on his foot. 

"Did Walker not tell you?"

"I did tell them, but Wyatt wants to hear your side of the events," Walker explained. 

"Simple, I got injured in the library. Now, I'm off to get my work sheet." Y/N walked off, ignoring their murmurs from behind him. They eventually followed him, and the men saw the other servants getting their work sheets. Akui looked at them, and said with a smile. 

"Was wondering when you four would show up!" He grinned. Y/N waved a bit, confused on the existence of this interaction, and then went to Aurora for the work sheet. 

"What's his deal?" Star asked the men, and Zion was the one to answer.

"Bad night," he said. "We'd rather not explain it since it's Y/N's choice."

"The injuries though...?" Maria enquired.

"Obviously from the women of this castle," Nightmare answered, not even looking at them and keeping a distance away. Meanwhile, with Y/N, Aurora gave him his work sheet.

"How are you feeling?" She calmly asked him. 

"Could be better," Y/N shared. "But I suppose I could be worse as well..."

"Oh, and the books are over there, by the way."


"Read the jobs you have."

He looked at his work sheet. 

Y/N's Work: 

– Return books to the library.

– Meet Lady Dimitrescu in a room near the Main Hall (Bed Chamber). 6PM.

– Dinner Duties. Paired up with: Akui.

He read it over. Great, he had dinner duties again, and that went well last night... Y/N seemed to have been paired with Akui, which would be the first time he worked with someone other than his friends. Oh, and he had to meet Lady Dimitrescu at 6PM. Wonderful, just wonderful, he thought. Returning books to the library... That meant that he could run into Daniela again. Wow, that just made things even better! Each job was risking his life, and that's excluding what may happen between those tasks. 

"I thought you were going to try and lessen the tasks for me?" He asked, an irritated tone in his voice. 

"Oh, the first task won't take you that long and then you'll have hours until you need to do the next one. Lady Dimitrescu also commanded that you do the last two tasks. Be careful, okay?" She added at the end and smiled. Y/N didn't feel better even though she said this, and went to grab the books. Aurora handed the others their work sheets. 

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