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Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Each footstep kept making a crunch sound, which made sense since they were walking on white snow, leaving a trail of footsteps behind them. Through trees, they walked, using the remaining light coming from the Sun to guide them, though it weakened with time. Four boys, travelling in the cold lands of an isolated part of what they believed was Romania. The first boy, who was walking in front of the others and holding a map, had blonde hair and brown ears, also having a confused facial expression as he tried to work out where they were even going. The second boy, just a bit behind the blonde one, had blue hair and green eyes, giving a look of concern towards the first boy, who was still bewildered. The third boy, having an irritated expression on his face and walking right next to the second, had white hair and red eyes. And finally, the fourth boy, who was behind the others though not by much, had E/C (eye colour) eyes and H/C (hair colour) hair. Y/N L/N stared at his friends from the back of the group, his hands tightly in his pockets and shivering as he walked. He could summarise all his feelings in one sentence; "Where the hell are we?". In fact, it seemed to him that none of them even knew where they were going, not even Wyatt with his map. To be honest, Y/N was slightly irritated at Wyatt since it was him who had suggested they go on an adventure in Europe. Y/N sighed to himself – he was missing his home back in America. In America, it surely wasn't as cold as this, not even in Winter. The boy shivered once again, trying to find some sort of entertainment to help him get past the torture he was currently experiencing in this cold climate. Well, Y/N recalled a strange memory of his about a dream he had. He had seen it in a third person view, like it was a movie, but the strange thing was that it was himself he was watching. To make things even more odd, he had black horns and was hanging out with some horned pink girl. Y/N let out a quiet chuckle, amused at the stupidity of his dreams. In what world would he have black horns and be friends with some sort of pink alien? It was definitely ridiculous. He shivered again, now experiencing the cold more than usual without a proper source of entertainment or distraction. To pass the time further, he recalled the previous adventures the friends had gone on. Well, when they first got to Europe and arrived in Spain, Zion suggested that they could firstly explore the country, and then head to France to see the Eiffel Tower. Y/N smiled at the white haired boy in front of him. They had taken photos of the joyous event on their phones, and he would certainly not delete them even if he was threatened. As a group, they were actually extremely rich due to their jobs. Walker and Wyatt were a comedic duo, working in many comedy movies together. Y/N doubted if he could even name a single movie that only one of them was in, even if it was some sort of cameo. Zion was a doctor, working with all kinds of patients to try and see if they had similar symptoms or something like that. That was what he saw Zion doing one day when he came to visit. And then there was the man himself, Y/N, who was a game developer and tester. He loved games, and was extremely happy when he realised he could work on them himself. Y/N had played games since he was six, and now as a 26 year-old, he was still loving them. Even he had to admit that game quality was impressive, especially in horror games. He was fine with coding horror games, but the nightmare truly began whenever he had to test them. Back on the topic of their adventures in Europe, it had been him who had suggested they visit Italy for its monuments and food. He had enjoyed his time there throughout the week they stayed, and slightly wished he could stay there longer, but Walker had already suggested another place to go to by then. He had suggested Greece, as it was home to many wonders. The adventures spent there were joyful and sadly short-lived, but then Wyatt had suggested another country. Romania, a place where they could enjoy exploring. Long story short, they had unwittingly let Wyatt lead the way and ended up being lost. And that was the story of how they ended up in this mess, trying to find some place. Y/N had no idea where Wyatt even got the map from, but he seriously doubted if it was accurate. Oh, but perhaps he was just overestimating Wyatt's map skills. Either way, they should have never let him lead the way. Throughout the journey, each of them seemed to keep their emotions somewhat the same. Wyatt was looking confused most of the time, having a few enthusiastic moments here and there. Walker, who could be seen as an older brother for Wyatt, had looks of concern everytime he saw Wyatt trying to work out the map, but seemed to temporarily brighten up once Wyatt seemed happy, which was just him thinking he understood something about the map. Meanwhile, Zion just seemed dead inside, as he had a cold expression the whole journey and was greatly irritated by the predicament they found themselves in. And finally, Y/N was doing his very best to not lose his very mind, though he wasn't sure if he had already lost it, in this land of torture. What was meant to be a fun and relaxing vacation turned out to be HELL. He pushed a thin branch out of his way and heard a loud and relived gasp from Wyatt as a ray of sunlight shone in his eyes. 

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