Never Let You Go

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I just wanna stare at the night sky
Thinking it’s always me, but why
Standing on the roof top all alone
Wondering where your love is gone
I wanna scream out my lungs
Shout out your name
Wishing that you come back to me

I don’t wanna let you go
My heart can’t accept that you’re gone
So please come back to me
To the one who’s loved you all this while
When you were checking out other girls
Out the window of your car

All the memories i built and the time i spent
I can’t forget them all
Everything i see reminds me of you and me
So please come back to me
To the one who loved you all this while
When you thought i left you
I was standing right there
I don’t know why you couldn’t see
But I’ve always been there for you
Ive loved you since the day we met
And i can never forget that

I stare at the night sky
Shouting to the Gods above
To make us one again
Even after all this I’ll still say
Please come back to me
I want you to be there with me
For all the days i spend i want you here with me
Cause I’ve loved you all this while and i can never let you go

- maria aind

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