Shine Brighter Than The Stars

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Back to the time when i was a kid
They blamed me for things that i never did
Tortured me and cussed me
Captured me and used me
As I grew up it became worse
Everything felt like a curse
Their words push me down the hole
A hole so deep you only, see the darkness
I could see no light, just feel the harshness
When they pushed me down the hole
I had no will to fight or take flight

It kept getting darker and colder
I wanted to cry but had no shoulder
Life felt like a huge boulder
Falling hard like the rain
All I felt that was reckless pain
Pain induced without a chain
Hurt more than the mind could sustain
Mind blocked like a filthy drain
Devastated and broken
My core was completely shaken
I felt it was done and my time had come
I had to end the game

But then a spark ignited
A feeling so new, so uninvited
I saw the light
Felt adrenaline rushing in my veins
Filled with the burning desire
I soon realised that
Fakers will fake Haters will hate
But I couldn't be no bait
Couldn't let be used, cos I'm no object
Now they'll see the light I project
A light so bright they'll turn blind
I'm back on the surface to spread happiness and be kind
Things have taken a turn
I might still have the scars,
But I shine brighter than the stars

- maria aind

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