Chapter Twenty One

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Hey guys guess what? I'm making a discord sever for you guys ^^ since I love hearing from you all so much here if you have a discord even if it's fairly inactive you guys will be able to get more frequent updates on things as well as announcements.  I will also be showing adoption papers there. Hope at least some people will join and have fun in it <3 there will be  nsfw rooms (please still keep them fairly clean) but there will be a chance to have a private room in the server.  Love you all thank you so much for the support <3 here is the link to the server:

'He seems happy...' Wilbur though as he peered at the car rear view, seeing you. You were calm with a small smile resting on your face... finally you were getting out of this place. Rez was nothing now.

You had just gotten the few things from your place. You smiled...
Phil hummed. "I'll take care of everything from here." He smiled.
You nodded as you sat back.
"Alright phil... I'll follow you alright? Y/n come on up front seat if you'd like." He smiled.
You nodded and got out going up front. You sat in the front seat as Wilbur handed you his phone. "I would just let you connect yours but mines already. You can choose the music."  He smiled. You nodded as he began to drive, following Phil.
You looked over to him... "hey.. do you like-"
"Play whatever you'd like." He chuckled.
You nodded as you put on one of your favorite songs... Privately owned spiral galaxy, by crywank.

As soon as Wilbur heard the guitar his eyes shot to you and back at the road. "No fucking way, you know this song??" He laughed happily as you nodded. "I love it." You giggled quietly in return. "Hell yeah.. I have a band you know, and we covered this awhile back."
"Seriously?? No way I've gotta hear it." You said as he told you the band name.
"Lovejoy? I like it." You smiled.

"Since you love this song so much how come you haven't covered it or done a rewrite?" He hummed.
"Well no rewrite because no way can I rewrite these genius lyrics.. but no cover just because I can't couldn't do crywanks songs that's like an honor I didn't deserve and seeing as you are bringing this song to so much justice no way can I compete" you giggled. "I think you could. You have the best voice I've ever heard, while this song Isn't exactly singing its fun to do." He smiled.
You nodded. "I know how to play it. First song I learned on guitar... " you hummed.
"Yeah? Well.. I would like to ear you play sometime. I've only ever heard you play from your videos. Time to show me some real life first takes." He laughed. "Sure." You giggled.

"Not to mention you get to right music for the smp now. You excited for that??" He hummed. "Of course i am! I need to catch up on the lore of it all, but I already have an idea for you and Tommy's Canon character.." you smiled.
"Yeah? Well is it possible I can hear these ideas?"
"Nope.. but I'll give you this- they will be rewrites." You giggled. "Eh good enough of a hint for me.."  he smiled.

The rest of the car ride was peaceful.. Stopping for gas every once in awhile as well as for drinks and snacks.

"About 30 minutes left and home sweet home, y/n." Wilbur smiled.
"I have an extra room and stuff in my place, I know we never exactly said what we were doing and I'm kind of surprised you havent questioned it." He hummed..
"I trust you guys. I also trust you guys to have already had a plan.. and i appreciate it." You smiled.
"Of course. So. It will be nice to be your roommate.." Wilbur laughed.
"How much Is rent?" You hummed, "why worry about that?" He laughed. "You won't be paying any." He smiled. 
"Wait but I don't mind I mean I'll literally be living with you-"
"And? Besides I only have a few more payments on this place. I was living in an apartment for awhile but then Phil helped me find a pretty nice house, so here we are, and I'm glad he did or else we would be a bit stuck right now. You'd probably be living with phil." He laughed.
You nodded a bit.
"Also after tomorrow we are going to be starting to shop more for you-so you can settle in more. Feel more at home." He smiled. You giggled quietly. "Wilbur... thank you so much... I mean that thank you." You hummed. "Of course. Not to mention I'm sure media will go crazy once they find out we are living together now, so try to avoid social media for the next few hours until we get you settled in. Tonight I plan to stream, not sure if I'll break the news then but I was thinking you could maybe walk in mid stream to say hi." He laughed.
"Really??" You smiled. You were excited...
You suddenly got a text from your boss... as you read you smiled brighter. She had sent a picture of a for sale sign with a huge x over it. With the caption. "Guess who is moving locations with her bestie?"

You laughed quietly. You called her immediately..

"ALEX!" You shouted happily.
"Hey! I take it you saw the pic?"
"Duh!! Oh my god wait your moving here??"
"Uhm, of course. You think I'm letting you quit working for me just cause you move?? Naw I'm joking, but seriously, I wanna keep the shop running, I just can't do it without you. So since phil told me what was up, I've been house searching around there and even started renting a little shop so we can reopen. I know you'll be busy with new things now, but you better still come by and work with me!" She laughed
"Of course I will, Alexandra. " you smiled happily .
"Ah shoot, Im getting another call- but text me when you get to your new place! Love you!" She said as she hung up.

You smiled happily to yourself.
"So, is Alexandra your best friend?" Wilbur hummed.
"That and my boss." You giggled quietly.
"She is amazing..." you mumbled.

"I can tell." Wilbur said as slowly pulling into a drive way, Phil on the other side of it.
"Y/n? Welcome home." Wilbur smiled as he got out. You looked at the house in awe..

You were so happy

My Ex's Ex Boyfriend | Wilbur Soot × Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang