Chapter Ten

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(Hey!!! I just wanted to thank everyone for the support in this book. Shout out to k1nn3st3r_ !! You are amazing!!)

TW: Gunshots, description of blood, etc...

"Please." Wilbur said. He explained everything.

"There is someone being held hostage in his own house... he is injured. I have proof of this, but I can't fix it alone. I need police help. Please..."

"This is an urgent situation... you were correct to not get involved. But, does the person holding this boy hostage know someone will be coming?" The operator tried to talk through this while contacting emergency forces.

"Yes... I'm not sure how much he thought this through... but he knows for sure I was going to be coming. It was only until a few minutes ago I thought of contacting you... but I'm afraid if police come to the door Y/n will die..."
Wilbur took a deep breathe, trying to avoid saying such things, or even thinking them. He was terrified. Y/n meant more to him than even he could think, and the fact his screwed up ex has hurt and possibly killed him has him torn inside. He hadn't thought of it until now, but what if Rez did kill Y/n...

"I feel you're right... okay. I am directing emergency forces to avoid the house for now. Where can they meet you. I feel as though you know more than we do about this person. Is there any information you have on the man?"

"Yes... I even have relation... the man holding the boy hostage is... both of ours ex... Rez Wallace-Doem... I don't know the details of the situation... but this morning I got a message from Y/n... at least from his phone... but the person messaging was not him... I had been spammed with pictures of Y/n... he was beaten, bloody... Rez said he was passed out but.. for all I actually know he could be dead..."

"Do you know where the police station is. I have contacted the towns station, they are asking for you there right away. I request us to stay on the phone throughout this while thing. Please, sir."

"I do... yes." Wilbur started his car again and started to drive to the station, "I'm on my way there now. Where will I be going?"
Wilbur drove, on the edge of speeding even.

"They said they don't care how you come in, but to hurry. They said there is a door right up front of the building, and someone will be there, but people will let you in from any other entrance." The operator spoke, it was obvious she was trying to keep Wilbur calm, her tone was soft and gave off a sweet and gentle bubble of a feeling.

"I am almost there... I see an officer outside the building I am pulling up now."

"Perfect, perfect. Once there you may go right up. All you need to do is tell them you are the caller on the line."

With that, Wilbur got out of his car and ran up towards the officer who began opening the door to the station, as if already knowing.

Wilbur was lead into a room with multiple officers in it.

"Alright. Stay on the line with the operator for just a while longer. I need you to do exactly as we say.. unless you have personal info that can hurt this situation. Please. Cooperate."

"Of course... what are we doing."







Wilbur shouted out from outside, banging on the door as well as the window next to it.
Suddenly, from inside, he hears multiple glass objects breaking, as well as a glass lamp by the sounds of the light bulb busting as well.
"Let me in!! Open the door!!" Wilbur shouted again.
Rez laughed inside.
"Eager to see me, are we?" He spoke loudly from inside.
Wilbur harshly pulled, pushed, and juggled the doorknob, trying to get in, eventually just banging on the door again.

"Shut up already!!" Rez shouted, but Wilbur kept pulling at the doorknob.
A loud crash was heard from inside, but it was more of a thud than anything... like something had been thrown to the wall, but didn't break.
"Wilby, if you keep that up I'll do more than just throw shit. One more fucking time I swear. "
Wilbur kept on, he kicked the door harshly, multiple times. Suddenly, a loud gunshot was heard, and before Wilbur knew it, the window next to the door was shot and shattered.
"If you can't hear me then maybe you can now!!! Shut the fuck up!!!"
Rez yelled again.
Wilbur stepped away from the door a bit.
'Shit. Shit shit shit!!!! He has a gun?! Since when?!'
Wilbur thought. He tried to think of what to do.  But... his thoughts kept going...
He realized something...
"Rez..." Wilbur sighed as he walked back to the door.
"What am I doing?" Wilbur put his hand on it gently, his voice softening.
"Did I really come here to save Y/n?.."
He sat down on the steps in front of the door.
Rez hummed in confusion.
"I mean... I could have called the police, I could have done something so much smarter if I really wanted to save him.."
Rez sighed in frustration, confusion, yet a hint of that sigh was like it was pleased in the most sadistic way.
"I... I think I came here for you, Rez... " Wilbur let out a sad laugh, breath-filled and short, before sighing again.
"I missed you... i just... I want to see you again... and you can't fucking see that... you dont understand... I thought.if i avoided you, was an asshole to you, I could forget you. But... who could forget you?.. who could ever get away from you....and stay away... your like... your like a drug... I can stop it for a little, but eventually I cave into my craving for it..."
Rez could be heard throwing something metal across the room... possibly the gun.
Suddenly the door was unlocked and opened, making Wilbur fall back since he was leaning against it.
He was surprised, he quickly changed his expression now that he was face to face with this man...

"You mean that, Wilby?"
Rez had a small smirk... Wilbur knew that smirk. To the average person it's just a genuine smile. But when on Rez' was mockery... it was the "I won" face...

"Yes... I mean it... it took too long to realize it... but I realize that now..."
Wilbur said and looked up at Rez.
Rez stood Wilbur up, walking him in the house a bit. Wilbur sees the gun on the floor in the kitchen... surrounded by blood...
His stomach churns and aches.

Wilbur couldn't take it, he suddenly reached in his pocket, seeming as though he was resting his hand in it,
In reality... he was sending a small signal to the police who were around the block.
Within seconds, police cars as well as armed officers surrounded the house. Four of them quickly barged into the house, before Rez had time to reach he immediately went reaching for his gun, nearly reaching it if it weren't for Wilbur quickly pushing Rez to the ground.
Seconds later, two officers restrained Rez down.
"What the hell are you doing!!!! Let me fucking go NOW!!!" Rez screamed at the officers who cuffed him, searching his pockets.
Three more officers come in the house, while the two original secure and search the house.

Broken glass, blood, weapons, needles, syringes, clothing, and so many more things were scattered in nearly every inch of the house. Some furniture was broken, some places in the walls had holes in them, meanwhile weapons such as knifes and bottles were on the floor as well. Needles and syringes were found in the kitchen and bathroom so far.
Wilbur was barely able to focus. So much was happening at once, but suddenly he heard sirens, and not from the police cars...
He snapped out of his dazed state as paramedics rush into the house heading for what looks like the main room. Wilbur heard the police' yell,

"In here!!! The victim isn't breathing! Hurry!"

With that, Paramedics rush the guy who Wilbur had come to save out of the house.

'Isn't... breathing....' Wilbur thought, he was frozen. He stared at the officer who had yelled. The officer looked up at Wilbur from the room, his lips curled down into a frown as he shook his head.
Wilbur now knew,
'Isn't breathing.'

"The... victim... isn't breathing..."


Word count: 1440

My Ex's Ex Boyfriend | Wilbur Soot × Male ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu