My Ex Boyfriend

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Life was weird wasn't it? You think you find someone who will be with you forever -
who loves you.
Who cares.
Then somehow things get crushed so easily. It makes me wonder how to open up again. How did I do it before and how do I do it again? Can I keep doing it again?

My now ex boyfriend... I wish I could say things are better now. I don't want to say his name. It's not important anymore...
We got together in senior year of high school. Until a couple weeks ago...
Turns out for the past year, no, the entire time we have dated... Its all been a lie... he was never gay, not even bisexual... he was so far from any of it like he said ... he was straight.  There was a girl... she was always so sweet... next thing I knew was getting home early to surprise him ended up surprising me instead...  the surprise being her in our bed, all over him... what if she was seducing him? Maybe drugged him? All those possibilities rush through my head in hope it wasn't the only one that was true...
For the past year it was all her... he was with her... loved her... cared for her.
I was the scared incapable boyfriend who he ended up using for so many things...

Now... in the present.
Two weeks later.

"Hey! Aubrey is coming in early for her shift so you can go on home now, Y/n! " your boss exclaimed happily while carrying a pot of flowers into the back.
I smiled sweetly at her. "Yes, ma'am.  Thank you." You said quietly. You went back to the tiny labeled cubbies that were in a room next to the break room where the workers could leave their belongings during their shifts- it was where you left your small shop labeled apron and phone. You wore very aesthetic clothing, a fairly soft boy aesthetic   which complimented you and your more feminine set frame.

As you begin to walk out of the shop, your boss pops out from the back and smiles, "Have a great day! See you monday!! I can't wait to see the next cover this weekend!" He chimes as she goes back to work. You nodded and left the shop with a small smile.
It was rather cold today so you had a Hoodie with you that you put on once you were outside.

You slip in your ear buds and turn on some music, trying not to let the thoughts of your ex take up the empty space in your mind. You couldn't go on social media Past couple weeks due to seeing him and his new girlfriends things everywhere in your feeds, you couldn't bring yourself to block him on them...

-Time Skip: 10:49 p.m-

You had spent all night trying to edit the video you did, but you lost effort after singing the cover and filming the intro and outro due to exhaustion and the negative thoughts flowing through your head.

You messed up quite a bit on this cover,

-flashback: 40 minutes ago-

You sing the sweet lyrics of the song you had chosen, but immediately forget how to human and start to hesitate on works, ending up just speaking complete gibberish after realizing you lost words to the song and in general. You looked at yourself in the camera view with a perplexed look- which soon just turned to a tired pout as you let your head fall on the ukulele,  hearing a small echo from it as you groan tiredly, "uuuuugggaaaaahhhhhh..." was all that was heard before you got up and started the song over.

-end of flashback-

You let out a similar groan from last night.
You look at your progress seeing as your a little more than halfway through the editing. You soon sigh and edit in the intro and outro, forgetting to even finish the thumbnail or song part of the video.
You upload it to YouTube and closed your laptop, putting it on your nightstand and snuggled into the blankets. You manage to find your phone and watch different videos on YouTube until about 1 a.m, before passing out under the blanket.

Word count: 707

My Ex's Ex Boyfriend | Wilbur Soot × Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя