Chapter Fifteen

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2:34 a.m.

You felt something for once.
You felt as though you actually felt less pain in your body...
Yet you didn't understand it yourself.
Though before you knew it, your eyes were open. It took a while to adjust to even the dim lighting, but once you did, you felt an overwhelming wave of confusion and fear. You hadn't remembered much since getting your head bashed, and you didn't didn't notice you could barely hear out of your left ear.
You loomed around. Your body was beaten and bruised, machines and needles hooked everywhere to you. The heart monitor next to the bed was beeping quickly.
Fae came into the room with her eyes a bit wide in concern.
She looked you dead in the eyes, she seemed surprised but happy. She officially walked into the room as she loomed around, trying to find the words. She noticed your panic.
She quickly looked at the monitors.
"Everything... seems fairly normal.." she smiled. "Hi, dear... I'm Fae. I'm one of the nurses here. Not your nurse per say.. but we can pretend I am!" She laughed softly. Her calm and sweet attitude relaxed you, and you didn't even realize it. "Your friends are quite worried... they are most likely sleeping at this hour, though." She smiled.  "One moment.." she said quietly as he rushed out of the room, coming back with a cup of water.
"If you don't mind may I see if you can drink?" She smiled.
You nodded slightly, she held the cup up to your lips, you took a small sip. The water was slightly chilled, which felt nice to drink. You took a couple sips. She smiled. "Good job!!" She chuckled softly.
"Are you able to speak. Sweetie?" She said, she placed her hand on your shoulder gently in attempt to comfort you.
You gave a small smile as you swallowed a bit hard. "Yes..." you said quietly.
She smiled brightly. "This is great! How does your body feel?.." she tilted her head.
"Very... sore..." you said. "Understandable, honey... we do have some medication for you, how does that left ear feel?" She asked. "Its hard to hear from it.." you said. "Also very understandable..." she nodded. She went to grab your medication.
"What time is it..?" You asked. She hummed as he looked at her watch. "About 3 a.m, love." She said quietly as she fixed the ivs and such, giving you the medication.
"That should take about 20-ish minutes to kick in, hun." She smiled ssoftly.
"Oh! I nearly forgot. " She said as she grabbed something that was in  chair. "Sadly, your house was nearly wrecked.. your friend is paying to have everything replaced or repaired, but he was able to find a few unbroken things. " She smiled.
She held up a laptop and a ukulele.
'He?.. ' you thought, 'not alex?..'
"There are also some clothing he has, but those are with him. He went through a lot to replace some of the things, he really does care about you. But you didn't hear this from me." She laughed.
"I'll put these somewhere safe for you." She smiled.
"You know. He showed me a few of your videos. You have a lovely voice, and you play your instruments well. I swear he could ramble about you all day long!" She laughed softly.
"Who is he..?" You asked quietly.
"I'm not allowed to say yet." She smiled.
"Oh! But police released your phone. After investigation of your house a few items were taken under such as your computer and phone, but fortunately they didn't need them afterall. I do have your phone, and you've seen your laptop, but your bedroom was completely destroyed... at least most of the stuff in it. But, as I stated, it has all been replaced by now or repaired. He said a few things had to be repaired..." she smiled.
"But, it's clear you will be in this hospital for a bit... so, he did bring you a few things. Your best friend and him brought you some of your favorite movies, and they bought you a laptop with a DVD system in it. They also have a few things that are in my office here, I can give them to you if you would like." She smiled.
You could barely process this... who was he? And why would he repair and replace all the damages to your house... he even went out of his way to give you comfort items for if you did wake up...

You smiled a little and nodded. "Sure.." you said quietly. She nodded as she rushed off.

The few minutes you had to yourself you spent wondering who "he" was...

After about 5 minutes she came back smiling. She had a small basket with her. She pulled up the small side table and placed it down.
"Well, since your arms are a bit sore, I can show you everything if you'd like." She smiled softly and kindly. You hummed positively, smiling.
She pulled out a stack of dvds from the basket. "They said these are a bunch of your favorite movies," She laughed as she placed them to the side. "They got you a few stuffed animals, as well as some easy to eat sweets and such. " She said.
For the next 10 minutes she explained more about what "he" had gotten you, as well as the things she had heard about you from him.

TIME: 7:46 A.M

Fae had left not long ago, she said she didn't want to be caught nursing someone who wasn't her own patient, but that she would be back later. You heard people start to walk down the halls, you could assume doctors and nurses shifts just started for the day time, it made you wonder what Fae was doing there so early, especially if she admitted she had been there since the morning before until then...

Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice down the hall...
You had wondered why it sounded so familiar,  maybe it was your-now- good ear playing tricks on you. You couldn't make the conversation out directly, but you heard a laugh... a laugh that had such sudden happiness that you felt almost overwhelming just hearing it.
"You're serious???" The voice said.

You stared at the door, suddenly a tall male came running in, nearly tripping over his own feet as he stood in the door, he smiled at you, he was almost crying.. tears welled up in the males eyes.


'The victim is breathing...'


Word count: 1108

My Ex's Ex Boyfriend | Wilbur Soot × Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin